i cant tell the difference!!


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call me what you want but i cant tell the difference between an asian, korean, japenese, chinese or hawaiian..haha
im serious... not trying to offend at all.. i just really want to know if there is a certain characteristics that you can physically tell them apart by.

this guy at work got all pissed at me cuz i thought he was chinese but he was japenese.

lol its been a long day..:lol:


i'm a mod now
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why did the mod open this thread again?


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i dont think thats strange at all.. people of similar ethnicity DO pretty much look the same.. to say that you are strange or racist because you can't visually identify someone as being from china OR japan is f**king ridiculous.. it would be like someone who is black who happens to know they are from Kenya getting mad because someone didnt know that.. how the f**k is it your job to keep up with thousands of countries and the varying physical traits they have.. im Irish Italian and German.. if someone says are you Italian i dont f**king flip out and scream at them... people are so f**king overly sensitive when it comes to race/ethnicity.. and our bullshit society reinforces that nonsense..

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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You f**king racist.

Is that what you were looking for?


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i cant tell them apart either -shrug-


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call me what you want but i cant tell the difference between an asian, korean, japenese, chinese or hawaiian..haha
im serious... not trying to offend at all.. i just really want to know if there is a certain characteristics that you can physically tell them apart by.




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funny s**t..but if you were mexican would you wanna be called a GUAT? there from the same country..lmfao this is all so stupid! and no im not racist

thats the same thing for the japan and china comment? who f**kin cares?


No traction though.
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I'm Asian. Filipino with some Chinese ancestry to be exact.

Japanese people tend to be a lot whiter than Chinese people. Other than that, it's quite hard to tell the difference.

We have our own stereotypes. We have three very common and very TRUE stereotypes. Everything else varies by a lot.

Vietnamese own Nail Saloons. (It doesn't help, when all of my vietnamese friends own at least one nail saloon)
Chinese own Chinese restaurants.
Koreans own Dry Cleaners.
Filipinos as a whole, tend to hold regular jobs. While the older generation tend to hold somewhat odd end jobs.

If you're in a nail saloon, don't be surprised if every person in there is Vietnamese. Also, don't be surprised if one of the guys that work there is named Jimmy. I find it quite damn funny that the stereotypes are totally true, and they don't help a bit to prove it wrong. One of my friend's parents own friggin' 3 nail saloons and he drives a new leased M3.

Filipinos can be easy but also hard to recognize. Filipinos is a big mixture of many races. While more than half of us tend to be a little darker, there are some that look straight up Chinese and/or Japanese.

Personally I don't really care. In my opinion, you can just all call us Asian. Don't even try to guess our race. As long as you know we are asian, then it's all good.


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I'm Asian. Filipino with some Chinese ancestry to be exact.

Japanese people tend to be a lot whiter than Chinese people. Other than that, it's quite hard to tell the difference.

We have our own stereotypes. We have three very common and very TRUE stereotypes. Everything else varies by a lot.

Vietnamese own Nail Saloons. (It doesn't help, when all of my vietnamese friends own at least one nail saloon)
Chinese own Chinese restaurants.
Koreans own Dry Cleaners.
Filipinos as a whole, tend to hold regular jobs. While the older generation tend to hold somewhat odd end jobs.

If you're in a nail saloon, don't be surprised if every person in there is Vietnamese. Also, don't be surprised if one of the guys that work there is named Jimmy. I find it quite damn funny that the stereotypes are totally true, and they don't help a bit to prove it wrong. One of my friend's parents own friggin' 3 nail saloons and he drives a new leased M3.

Filipinos can be easy but also hard to recognize. Filipinos is a big mixture of many races. While more than half of us tend to be a little darker, there are some that look straight up Chinese and/or Japanese.

Personally I don't really care. In my opinion, you can just all call us Asian. Don't even try to guess our race. As long as you know we are asian, then it's all good.
sounds like a plan, asian it is


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That's why we just go by white, black, asian, european and latino.

I don't know why some people get butt hurt over this, like, I've been called Mexican which is cool cuz I am, born here in the states, but I like it better then "Mexican-American" bullshit............
and if by any chance I call a black man "African" I'm a racist, no I have to refer to them as "African-American"........wtf?
Like, any other race we can be like, japanesse, chinesse, italian, french, rusian, mexican, puerto rican, etc even tho we are born here in the states
You catch my drift...........idk


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i get so sick of people pulling the f**king race card when u say somthing. its so f**king stupid


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That's why we just go by white, black, asian, european and latino.

I don't know why some people get butt hurt over this, like, I've been called Mexican which is cool cuz I am, born here in the states, but I like it better then "Mexican-American" bullshit............
and if by any chance I call a black man "African" I'm a racist, no I have to refer to them as "African-American"........wtf?
Like, any other race we can be like, japanesse, chinesse, italian, french, rusian, mexican, puerto rican, etc even tho we are born here in the states
You catch my drift...........idk
whats the difference between white and european.. lol ;)

i guess im european american :P


There doesn't seem to be a consensus on how to classify human races. For example, ethnicity scientists recognize five different human races based on small genetic differences, whereas US law enforcement recognizes four races based on appearance:



formerly egninesallday
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There doesn't seem to be a consensus on how to classify human races. For example, ethnicity scientists recognize five different human races based on small genetic differences, whereas US law enforcement recognizes four races based on appearance:



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Got me there............

idk, that's just how some people refer to everyone else.


Big Dave
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My friend Tina is Korean and I would always crack on her, jokingly ofcourse. When she lived here she worked at her parents dry cleaner. Typical Korean, lol. I'm a junior in highschool, I'm actually older than her by a couple of months and she is so smart, she's in college, not co-op or anything, straight up Western Kentucky University.
