How Clean Are You?


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OK, So this is really just a shameless plug, but forgive me. I officially launched my new blog today and I'm rather excited about it. All the saved drafts finally published, and I have my Twitter and Facebook pages linked. And please let me know what you think!

I'm also looking to feature another car for this weekend, so definitely feel free to PM me about that.


Clean Facebook

Clean Twitter


Registered VIP
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5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
the pictures are nice..

got traction

i rock the sohc
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i dont get it


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Basically the premise is that I'm going to feature one car a week with a writeup, pics and drawings. Right now I'm just trying to promote it as much as I can.


New Member
5+ Year Member
By the way, I've got tons of free time right now, since I've been off work since last Friday due to the snow. I want to feature another car before the weekend, so if anyone wants to show off their car, let me know. I'm going to pay special attention to CRXs since I really feel like drawing one of those right now.


New Member
5+ Year Member
Bump time!

So to get more members on the site, I'm throwing together a little sweepstakes. Get 10 people to join my Facebook and Twitter for a chance to win a sketch of your car (or any other on archival paper.

You also have to join the Facebook if you haven't already.

More info here.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Oh yeah and here's a picture of my car, just because.



New Member
5+ Year Member
Just noticed. Awesome.

By the way, if you want to let me do a feature on your car, I'd be thrilled.


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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10+ Year Member
sure I'm open, which car? lol. I'm guessing the CRX


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5+ Year Member
I write a car/art blog. Trying to get people to read it. That's pretty much the whole story.


hardcore rice
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
clean? thought you were mentioning about being cleanliness on car interior?
