^^^ I'll start.
1.) To begin, it's parked on the street. Only takes 8 seconds to snatch a car (if that).
Chances are, if you keep parking it on the street like that, we're gonna be seeing a "stolen em1" thread soon
-I certainly hope you don't make a habit of that.
2.) Needs the si lip.
3.) idk, OC add to this if you'd like......
i would focus more on the facts like..
maybe %10 of the tires ENTIRE contact patch is even touching the ground...
the car is so goofy low that it is probably putting a HUGE strain on the rest of the STOCK suspension parts...
that kind of camber is going to eat those tires raw in a matter of months...
the edge of the fenders hangs a fraction of an inch from the tire...
having your car this low doesnt look cool.. it looks f**king stupid.. and is OBVIOUSLY not functional...
the car is likely not very safe..
waiting for thread "WuZ DrivIn MI SI aN HiT diS BuMP AnD CAR ShUT oFF AnD DArES DiZ BiG hoLE iN dA OiL PaN.... WuT ShUD I DO!?!?!?!?!?!"