Rear Passenger Door Will Not OPEN!


Save the SOHC
5+ Year Member
I don't know what the hell happened, but I cannot open my rear passenger side door (4dr). It will not open from the inside or outside (I've already thought about the child locking mechanism).

I came outside to put some stuff in my car and unlocked the doors with the key fob and I opened the rear passenger side door and it opened just fine. I put the stuff on the backseat and closed the door, realized I forgot something and tried to open the door again and it will not open at all now, from the inside or outside.

Any suggestions?

Wax Hands

Smell my finger
Registered VIP
You cant open it with the key I assume..?

if not you are in a world of hurt but not entirely. You will have to take the door panel off. It will be easier as well if you pull the rear seat off. Your gonna have to remove all screws and pop the panel off. Once you have access to the inside you can manually pull the rods inside the door near the lock assembly to open the door.

Once open full inspect the inside of the door. See if a rod came loose or is flexing.
