i just picked up a 2000 ex civic. i lowered it on adjusties,hood,put rims,lights,and intake! more to come!!
honda_tunerz said:ok enough of the rims! i get it they're ugly! ha they look way better then 22's!! thanks for the positive comments!
nice not feeling the wheels tho
dude this is my new sig 4sho. lmaoyea that s**t is nice bro! and yea the d16 can be fast if u know how to drive it right!
dude this is my new sig 4sho. lmao
nice ride bro! good luck with the build!
pretty fast! for a D16 and not a vtec! i went to the races a few nights ago and DAMN! i won $500 but lost $100LOL!!!!!
how fast is she?
so you won $400 haha.. that IS pretty damn good.pretty fast! for a D16 and not a vtec! i went to the races a few nights ago and DAMN! i won $500 but lost $100
in bets. That pretty damn good if you ask me!!