i have a question about my accord


the shadow conspiracy
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ok so first off it tacks out a 3,000 rpms...:lol:...... haha and second when i hit the gas it will stall out, i have to ride the clutch in order to move. i know its not the clutch its something to do with the engine... besides that it doesnt even sound like a honda it sounds like a 54 chrysler. its a 92 accord waggon with 274k its a complete piece of crap but maybe i could get some answers as to why it has so many issues.it runs fine it just has those problems:x


I had a Civic once.
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tacks out at 3k? Sounds like the ECU is im limp mode... any CEL codes?


the shadow conspiracy
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no codes i have no money to bring it to a shop every penny i have is tied up trying to find a motor for my civic


RHD is where its at
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did u do a compression test?

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Sell the Accord, problem fixed.


the shadow conspiracy
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no money for the car just wanted to get some opinions... i did some looking around and it might be a bad coil wire but that doesnt explain everything


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heh one of my hatchbacks sounded like a old nissan truck, it was weird, but it was also blowing oil out of the exhaust and had 300k miles on the original motor 0_0


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So you have absolutely no money.....but you want us to try and help you fix the problem. I dont get it....


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autozone will check the cel codes for you at no cost.....just hope that car makes it there


the shadow conspiracy
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yea car wont make it there the closest auto zone is probably about an hour or two away hahaa. but vjf... its called asking for opinions of what the problem might be no reason to post if your just going to be negitive and make yourself look like a d**k


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Okay so instead of calling names back, Im just going to exit myself from this thread.

Have fun fixing your car!!!



the shadow conspiracy
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lol my bad i may have been a bit harsh i havent slept in a few days... but thats some funny $hit hahaaha


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Ohhh dont worry, its okay.

Best friends hug!!!!!



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Okay all douchebaggery aside. What does the car idle at? Is it a steady idle? When you push the gas, does it matter if you lightly press it or mash it down? Rather than giving it gas when you let the clutch out, try just releasing the clutch very slowly without giving it gas. See what happens. Is it rough getting into gear?


Stickin' it to the man
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what is your local auto parts store?

this is a serious question...


the shadow conspiracy
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its not rough going into gear but i have to give it verry little gas when i first start off trying to move in 1st or reverse. some time the car starts and then dies, then other times it will start and it idols about 1,000 or a little less, but as soon as i tap the gas it will die right out.... hope that coverd the questions.

the closest parts store besides little local parts stores in town is advanced and thats 45 mins away. i live in the sticks.

maybe this all has to do with the fact that theres a hole in the gas tank and no gas cap? idk this is why i like civics i know them in and out

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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If you know Civics inside and out, you should know that Accord pretty well. You obviously don't know Civics inside and out.

Sounds like ECU issue.


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Thats just a really weird problem. Sorry I dont have any other input than that. It could possibly be an ECU, but if it were that, I dont understand why there is such inconsistency.


the shadow conspiracy
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jollygooinpants- ok i dont know all civics i just know mine lol........

i give up dam thing dont start now.. all it does is sound like its about to start and then doesnt im done with it.,..


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can i have it?

for free?

i bet i can have it purrin like a kitten in 10 min...
