i have a question about my accord


I had a Civic once.
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its not rough going into gear but i have to give it verry little gas when i first start off trying to move in 1st or reverse. some time the car starts and then dies, then other times it will start and it idols about 1,000 or a little less, but as soon as i tap the gas it will die right out.... hope that coverd the questions.

the closest parts store besides little local parts stores in town is advanced and thats 45 mins away. i live in the sticks.

maybe this all has to do with the fact that theres a hole in the gas tank and no gas cap? idk this is why i like civics i know them in and out
You live in VT I can drive through it in 45 mins lol.

sarcasm.. but where in VT?


the shadow conspiracy
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manchester... do you know where to find a cheap d serie motor.... i miss my hatchie
