IT is a rare day BUT today is one of those.. i completely agree with you.. the problem with Anderson SIlva is he is basically unstoppable.. It is really not his fault.. it is really not the UFCs fault.. someone tough just has to come up through the ranks and beat him.. this has happened before.. Liddell JUST as an example was unstoppable for some time... if you watched a Chuck fight you KNEW he was going to win.. and you knew it was going to start with some crazy loopy overhand strike. time moves forward.. Silva IS a tough ass, and i can't wait to see the day when someone busts his ass.. and honestly i DONT care to see him bounce around weight classes and s**t.. its unnecessary.. someone WILL come up.. and someone WILL win at some point..He is under contract to show for the fight and to win. He did both, During the fight the fighter doesn't have to please anyone. They always have the choice to release anderson if they no linger want him around. That is zuffas choice. The promotion and fighter should work together to have a great event. They should have gave silva Liddell at 205 as opposed to Maia at 185.