best basketball game EVER...


Sick 6/6
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wow... overseas basketball finals game!
partizan (black) is ahead by 1pt.. cibona rebounds off a missed freethrow and hits for 3 with 0.6 on the clock... they celebrate figuring they have won by 2pts with a killer game winning shot............ untill partizan inbounds and makes a half court buzzer beater with ALL OF CIBONA ON THE COURT WATCHING IN SHOCK!!!:shock:


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ok? what happend to the twe seconds left?


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That's some awesome s**t. I LOVE it when that happens in a game. Everyones cheering thinking they won then bam, nope, sorry, shut down. That moment will be remembered for a long long time, if not forever.


formerly known as FAN8228
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That's why you don't celebrate until the clock hits 0:00 :oh:
