just for u hahahaLOL~!!!!!!!bmac haha
Bottineau, North east of minot. I do go to minot to shop and s**t though. I bought the body kit from a kid in minot.You from Minot? I haven't seen this around.
Thanks, I agree about paint matching, and one day I will but for now this car is my mileage car its not even close to show.All of you would have rocked this car back in the day. And some of us did. Who cares?
Let the guy do his thing. I bet if I peaked into your life, I could burn all you naysayers with something that the rest of us wouldn't think was "cool"
Welcome to CC man. Dont worry about the haters, they're just insecure pussies that have to talk s**t over the internet. If you met most of them in real life, they wouldn't say a f**king word to your face.
If I were you, I'd just change the wheels up, paint match everything, and at least paint the webbing in the grill ETC.
Thank you, and yes I to liked the first pic. The front bumper cover snagged and ripped in 2 or more pieces though and getting a new one was more then the entire body kit.welcome to the site op i like the first pic
welcome man , looks like ill have to watch this thread
Vtech is a phone brand. lol!Does It Have Vtech?!?
Surprisingly there are few close enough to be worthwhile. I am in north central north dakota shipping from mn or even sd would be quite a lot for a used bumper cover. And thanks.Vtech is a phone brand. lol!
OP, my oh my. i understand your money situation, but wouldn't junk yards have stock bumpers for cheap?!
good luck buddy.
Vtech is a phone brand. lol!
hahahaha... you bad ass... hahahaha...