U.S.’s Toughest Immigration Law Is Signed in Arizona


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I (oddly enough) agree with OC on this one. The Arizona police are going to be under EVERYONES eye for several reasons. One would be the federal government is going to keep an eye out and make sure that no one is being profiled or harassed. Two, there are going to be some other states watching to see if this works. If it does, they may adopt it. If not, they know not to go near it. If they were smart at all (which they obviously are, shown by the creation of this law) they wont be harassing anyone.


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Them Mexicans bring over hot womenz and they have sex with you for little dollars.


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Yea which means you can afford it. However, for those of us who dont have to pay illegal immigrants for sex, we prefer them on the opposite side of the border.


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Arizona is just getting mad at how many illegals are killing its citizens then running back across the border. Plus they are very shitty drivers. An illegal hit my car and ran, a year before that an illegal killed my brothers friend on a motorcycle in an auto crash. Hell if they don't shoot us all, they'll certainly kill our modes of transportation!


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it really blows my mind that a STATE ENFORCING FEDERAL LAW is getting this much s**t...


Stickin it to the Man
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i'm with you on illegals shouldnt be here oc. however im not willing to give up my rights as a citizen of this country in order to get them out.

again im aware that this bill doesnt allow racial profiling to occur. but that does not mean that it will not occur more frequently. and yes cops DO profile but they wont admit it until they are no longer an officer of the law. and if you have white skin, i dont even want to hear your argument that they dont or they wont because i speak from experience and chances are you're speaking about how things should be in a perfect world. i understand that on paper things can look wonderful, however real life is more than just writing on paper. these things are literally happening in my backyard. i live some 20 minutes from downtown phoenix.

obama needs to begin his immigration reform before things start getting out of hand over here.
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So it turns out this law isnt as great as we once thought. The problem is, immigration is a federal issue, not a state issue. In any state, if someone is arrested for an indictable offense, and then found out to be an illegal alien, the department can contact ICE and most likely have them deported. It has to be either an indictable offense or drunk driving (DUI or DWI). In Arizona, if an illegal alien is pulled over for say....failure to stop at a stop sign, or speeding, or something along those lines....and then the department finds out through the persons paperwork that they are an illegal alien, that is the offense. Being here illegally. Then what happens is the illegal alien goes to prison for 6 months. So basically, when the illegal aliens are found, not only are they not paying taxes, but the tax-payers of Arizona are now paying for this person to reside in prison for 6 months.

I agree with what someone said earlier. One of the most effective ways to treat this problem is to make it HIGHLY unprofitable for a business to employ an illegal alien. That way, nobody will want to do it. Jobs will be MUCH more scarce, not eliminated however, and most will move back. Seems like the easiest way to me.


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sorry to hurt anyone's feelings on this BUT racial profiling is necessary when it is logical.. case in point.. you have a bunch of crazy middle eastern people trying to steal planes and fly them into buildings.. you have XXX amount of man power.. you should probably NOT be wasting time checking middle age white men, its illogical and a big waste of time..


formerly known as FAN8228
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sorry to hurt anyone's feelings on this BUT racial profiling is necessary when it is logical.. case in point.. you have a bunch of crazy middle eastern people trying to steal planes and fly them into buildings.. you have XXX amount of man power.. you should probably NOT be wasting time checking middle age white men, its illogical and a big waste of time..


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in the same sense as if there were a bunch of "skinhead" crimes in some area.. i would hardly expect the police to hassle some puerto rican standing on the corner.. AND i to take it a little further i would not be all that butthurt if they saw me in the area of said "skinhead" crimes and asked me a few questions if they felt the need.. not that i look like a skinhead or anything.. lol


WTF!!!!!!!...........yo this is a bunch of bull ..........illegas have come to this country for a chance to give their families a better apportunity at life nd to fight the poverty that they have in the countries that they origionated from......ok every american thinks that they are taking jos that are rightfully theirs but if it wasnt for illegals do u think that th u.s would be better than it is now ?????? who builds the roads nd higways for every one to drive in, who makes the nice houses so people can live in, who does the landscaping so every home and buisiness can look nice and presentable?????? when do u see a illegal fighting for a better wage their fine with their minimum wage cuz itsbetter than what they would be earning in their country....illegals dont ask for much they just want a better future for their family nd so thier children would have a better education....

now as for illegals that are doing the wrong thing (something of high crime ex:armed robbery,auto theft, stuff of that sort) they should deserve whats coming to them...ok all illegals are doing a crime by coming to this country illegally but most are coming here and they realize the laws of this country nd many fallow by them....when do u regullarly see a hispanic driving at high speeds in a neighborhood or doing vandalism in public properties......from what i see very rarely ........

illegal immigrants should have a chance in this country for a better life nd better opportunities for their families....

they dont ask for much just a paying job to raise their families .....


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WTF!!!!!!!...........yo this is a bunch of bull ..........illegas have come to this country for a chance to give their families a better apportunity at life nd to fight the poverty that they have in the countries that they origionated from......ok every american thinks that they are taking jos that are rightfully theirs but if it wasnt for illegals do u think that th u.s would be better than it is now ?????? who builds the roads nd higways for every one to drive in, who makes the nice houses so people can live in, who does the landscaping so every home and buisiness can look nice and presentable?????? when do u see a illegal fighting for a better wage their fine with their minimum wage cuz itsbetter than what they would be earning in their country....illegals dont ask for much they just want a better future for their family nd so thier children would have a better education....

now as for illegals that are doing the wrong thing (something of high crime ex:armed robbery,auto theft, stuff of that sort) they should deserve whats coming to them...ok all illegals are doing a crime by coming to this country illegally but most are coming here and they realize the laws of this country nd many fallow by them....when do u regullarly see a hispanic driving at high speeds in a neighborhood or doing vandalism in public properties......from what i see very rarely ........

illegal immigrants should have a chance in this country for a better life nd better opportunities for their families....

they dont ask for much just a paying job to raise their families .....
You know what, i kinda agree with you. If all the mexicans were shipped out, who would be there to harvest our produce. Honestly i could never see a white guy bending over in a field picking tomatoes, all they would do would be b***h and complain about how hard it is. I dont mind mexicans, i just dont like the fact that there are some that take advantage and just come here to sell drugs and s**t like that, but even with that being said its still ridiculous laws like this are even attempted. They might send back a few but overall just seems like it'll be one of those laws that just gets walked all over.


Exactly If Any Of Yall Have Watched A Movie Called "a Day With Out A Mexican" It Shows How Difficult The Life Of A American Would Be Without A Illegal Immigrant Doing Jobs That Most American Wouldnt Even Dare Doing. Thats How The U.s Will Be Without Hispanics ......

I Agree If We Could Get Rid Of All The Hispanics That Are Doing Wrong Such As Selling Drugs, Theft, Etc.... That Would Make A Difference

Nd As For The Laws.... Immigrants Arnt Asking For Much Why Does The Government Have To Make It So Hard On Them The Just Want A Better Life For Their Family


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The government doesnt really do much about it, they accept the fact that we need them, hence why this law is going to do nothing.

But s**t, it would be hella funny to see a s**t ton of cops go into a town and yell " La Migra! La Migra!" and just run around after them haha


Haha Yea But Im Still Kinda Against Ths Reform

Face It The U.s Needs Immigrants Nd Many Of Hem Wont Stop Untill They Have The Right For Citzenships Nd A Better Life


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.ok every american thinks that they are taking jos that are rightfully theirs but if it wasnt for illegals do u think that th u.s would be better than it is now ??????

Yes actually I do, illegals milk us for billions each year.

who builds the roads nd higways for every one to drive in, who makes the nice houses so people can live in, who does the landscaping so every home and buisiness can look nice and presentable??????

Who takes jobs for less pay and puts Americans out of work, and who do you think did those jobs before the illegals did?

What other developed country allows people from another tird world country to flood their borders, take their jobs, bring drugs and gangs, takes advantage of the welfare system and health care system?



Um Nd Do U Think Any American Would Work In The Hot Sun,pouring Rain And Sometimes Even Snow Just To Earn A 7.50 A Hour ?????

Nd As If Their Isnt Any Americans Out Their Living Off Of Walefare Too

Nd Their Isnt Just Hispanic Gangs ,,,,,,there Are Gangs Of Different Races Nd Even Bigger Then Hispanic Gangs

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i rock the sohc
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Exactly If Any Of Yall Have Watched A Movie Called "a Day With Out A Mexican" It Shows How Difficult The Life Of A American Would Be Without A Illegal Immigrant Doing Jobs That Most American Wouldnt Even Dare Doing. Thats How The U.s Will Be Without Hispanics ......

I Agree If We Could Get Rid Of All The Hispanics That Are Doing Wrong Such As Selling Drugs, Theft, Etc.... That Would Make A Difference

Nd As For The Laws.... Immigrants Arnt Asking For Much Why Does The Government Have To Make It So Hard On Them The Just Want A Better Life For Their Family
1st of all, if those Illegal immigrants came to the United States the LEGAL way, it wouldnt be an issue. They choose to break the law by hoping a fence, swimming and running.

2nd of all, I have noticed that the people who are the most pissed off about this are those who are in the states illegally, or have family that are.

3rd of all, Quit Typing Like This, You Look Like An Idiot And Its Hella Annoying.


1st of all.. many illegal immigrents from other countries dont have the funds to file for paper work to come here illigally
nd 2nd of all...yes i do have family here that are not here legally
