Gauge Cluster??


New Member
I have a 98 Civic DX MT. I broke the pin that holds the fuel needle in place. Whats the resistance to my fuel gauge?? So i could put a secondary fuel gauge or could i just swap the fuel gauge from another cluster?. I wanna keep my orignal cluster cuz i have only 79,xxx. Also my car has no stock tach. If i bought another cluster with a stock tach could i just plug it into the factory wiring?? Anything will help. Im tired of watching for my low fuel light !!


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Just buy a new fuel gauge. They are easy to swap over.


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5+ Year Member
Just buy another cluster with a tach, it's plug and play.


5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Just buy a new fuel gauge. They are easy to swap over.
Where do you buy the fuel gauge by itself?

I'm trying to find just the water gauge (mine broke off as well) but can't find it anywhere.
