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Rubbin on yo booty
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Here, I made one for you.



I Tap JdmPrncss
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lol deep throat much?

OP idk man, to be honest what do YOU want in an avy. look at me for instance; i just don't care lol. therefore I'm always changing it with the next thing i like, weather it's a day or a month from now. same thing with siggy's


Some Delicious Guy
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
This isn't a sig request thread.... he can make his own sig! He wants help with ideas for a sig. I made the same mistake and closed it too. :lol: So I'm going to open it back up and move it back to the off topic so maybe he can get some help with ideas.
Haha, thanks Biz. I was about to give up on this thread.

Bowl of ramen noodles.
Hah, well I guess that's JDM. Not too bad actually.

A pic of your mom since its almost mothers day?
That's be a pretty crappy mother's day present. "Hey mom, I didn't get a present this year, but now tons of car guys on the internet can look at you every day!"

glad to see the mods reopened this.. twice... lulz

put a rubber ducky in ur avy
At this point it may end up being some kind of mesh up of noodles and a duck. Hah.

:( I added this avi for him but he took it off....

Yeah... not bad... just creeped the hell out of me every time I saw one of my own posts.

this f**kin avi better be good now, all this thought involved.......
Hahaha, yeah, it's getting way over hyped.

don't even worry about it, I made the same mistake to. :oops: I re-opened it when the op sent me a pm threatening my e-life. :scurred: I stopped reading after the word "cunt" came up seven times.
Yeah, I'm kind of a d**k. And no I will not use a d**k as my avatar.

but here's an idea for your avi !....
Any picture with the name "uglydude.jpg" is not going as my avy. :P

wtf why isn't imageshack working for me???
Because the internet owns you.

Here, I made one for you.

That's beautiful. Why don't you use it for your avy?

OP idk man, to be honest what do YOU want in an avy. look at me for instance; i just don't care lol. therefore I'm always changing it with the next thing i like, weather it's a day or a month from now. same thing with siggy's
True, true. I'll probably just throw a random one together.
