Nightmare left me feeling sick.... :(


Hell yea I suck toes!
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Alright...idk why im puttin this on here, but i need to tell someone lol

Crazy dream.

Starting from what i remember, myself, my gf, a few buddies and a few faceless people were all at some huge house in the woods having a good time. it starts to rain, and rain hard enough to knock out the lights, ( we still had cable), and to wash away all our vehicles. so like, im watching my gfs honda float downa a river, and a random white surburban just float away...anyway. magicaly we get walkie talkies and start playing tag...idk. but at one point i run into a huge room to find everyone staring at a screen. its a giant tv, and on the screen is like 20 differnent news channels from around the world, and its all the same...

"It is complete chaos here in london!"
"NY is in a complete lockdown"
"and you know the germans always make good stuff"
"terrorists attacked the space needle in seattle"
"Terrorist attacks from around the world makes this the biggest conspiracy of all time"
"its really like the world is at war right now todd. im really nervous..

" WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!" -boom. tvs all shut off.... and we're

randomly im like "hey! i forgot my phone out in my car!" so my car is up in a tree, so i jump up, open the door, grab myphone, and as im looking out, its like a "gorgeous picture perfect" view of a valley, and the sun is like SSSUUUUPPPERRRR bright. like...bright enough that i know something aint right. so i hop down, and i hear the house phone ring. so i take off running (like a scared running) and i run up a spiral staircase that was surrounded by a pink shower curtain, and i hear my gf answer, and from the other end i hear strong static...

"Hello?...denny is that you?"

- i run from tthe top of the stairs and snag the phone


we step outside, onto the front porch that over looks the valley to see that thatearth is quickly being eaten up by the effects from a blast. a mushroom cloud looms as the wave gets closer. she grabs my hand, and says

"i love you"

i look at her weird and say

"...this is f**king gay."

Boom. i woke up in a cold sweat.

But yea,...f**king crazy


Random house in the woods with friends.
power goes out
tvs, 20 of them, still work and report mass world choas.
tvs click off.
get a very static covered call about someone blowing up a thermonuclearpowerplant
realize how much of a d**k i am at times...


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Not to bust your balls... but a synapse is the gap between two neurons in the brain in which chemicals are released to allow for inter-neural communication.

I think you were probably looking for the word, "Synopsis."

Regardless, crazy dream..


Hell yea I suck toes!
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Not to bust your balls... but a synapse is the gap between two neurons in the brain in which chemicals are released to allow for inter-neural communication.

I think you were probably looking for the word, "Synopsis."

Regardless, crazy dream..
thank you thank you...corrected. i couldnt remember...and cliffnotes is so far away


i'm a mod now
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cocaine is one hell of a drug


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the ending is hilarious, pretty scarry dream though, random side note, to remember a dream with this much detail is pretty good, my gf is takin a psych class and told me they only last like 3 seconds or something


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Scary enough, with how f**king crazy people are these days.....this is a very chilling but possible event.


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This also remind me of a weird dream I had. It was like a war scenario and right when we were pulling out, I got shot. It was weird because I didn't stay dead and I felt the pain...


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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The same gf that cut your Xbox cord back in the day!? I member...
