|NSFW|Vajazzling, The Newest Threat To Your College Son


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There was a scene on bangbros a few weeks ago where this guy had "The Magic Stick" tatoo'd on his d**k.

People do all sorts of weird s**t.


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^^^ and now we know your watching bangbros to see guys dicks!! personally im for the women!


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It's called f**kTeamFive. Where a bunch of girls go out and f**k random guys. One of the scenes they did, one of the girls goes, "wtf is that?" and the camera man zooms up on his d**k and they all read it out loud and laugh their asses off. Kind of hard to miss when the scene focuses on the guys d**k for like a whole minute lol.


names Brenton
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yea because the vajazzling will tempt me into sex... OR NOT

the vagina does a good job at that already.. it doesnt need help
