Burnout Gone Wrong

2000 EKCivicEX

Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
haha thats what happens when people get more power then they can handle, ill never understand how people manage to do dumb stuff like that haha


Chillin' Canadian Member
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Definitely repost.

But remember that's a SRT-10... has a Viper motor in that, and there's barely weight over the rear axle for all that power :what:


New Member
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the dumbass in the corvette on the side bar was pretty good too. how can you own a corvette and not know that if it wasnt your tires its the f**kin clutch. i like how the guy runnin the camera with the truck is asking the driver if hes okay before he actually sees him. lol.


D-Series Soldier
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Thats not f**king good!!!... Never gets old...:bluelol:
