Post anything that has happened to you that pissed you off or different/stupid things that people have done to make you mad.
These types of threads keep appearing.
Thats old news. What problem do you have with it? I personally havent really read THAT much into it, but I dont see how it could be that big of a deal. Care to inform us?these pieces of s**t.... and the liberal pussies who are allowing it to happen..
This guy is just ignorant. I understand he lost his son, and it is terrible that a father had to bury his own son, but that doesnt give him the right to discriminate against ALL Muslims, which is exactly what he is doing."I realize it's not all of them, but I don't want to have to go down to a memorial where my son died on 9/11 and look at a mosque," said retired FDNY Deputy Chief Jim Riches - whose son Jim, a firefighter, was killed on 9/11.
You read my mind.most 09/10ers.
Lol dude you are a LATE '08er......You read my mind.
think we would let a bunch of "neo nazis" build a meeting hall on the property that was once a synagogue that got burnt down by a "hate group"...Thats old news. What problem do you have with it? I personally havent really read THAT much into it, but I dont see how it could be that big of a deal. Care to inform us?
Edit: okay I just edumacated myself by reading the article. I still dont see a problem in it. Just because 9/11 was a terrible tragedy that was performed by Muslims does not mean that they are all bad. I understand that people who were close to victims are sensitive on the matter, but this is just straight up stereotyping and discriminating. And on top of that, those who say they are "offended" did not even attend the meeting to voice their opinions on the matter.
This guy is just ignorant. I understand he lost his son, and it is terrible that a father had to bury his own son, but that doesnt give him the right to discriminate against ALL Muslims, which is exactly what he is doing.
Take for example when MLK was assassinated. Did his family just outright say that they never wanted to see white people again? No. s**t, they even talked to the man while he was in prison and forgave the man.
Can I join?think we would let a bunch of "neo nazis" build a meeting hall on the property that was once a synagogue that got burnt down by a "hate group"...
These types of threads keep appearing.
"Hey guys, I have a great idea! Let's build a mosque next to where we killed a bunch of innocent people, so we can pray and hope that our next attack goes well. For Allah!"I think that a political group is different from a religious group.
Also, its two blocks away from the site, not directly on it. Its also been almost nine years. And the people who oppose it failed to show up at the meeting to voice their opinion. It OBVIOUSLY isnt important enough to them.
Dont get me wrong. Im not saying it isnt sketchy. However from a political standpoint, what do you expect a politician to do? Not allow them to build on open property simply because they believe in the same religion? Im sorry, but thats not enough. OC, you always speak of maintaining out rights, how is prohibiting a religious group from building a center for worship allowing the citizens to maintain their rights? Its not. Once the government sees that they can be involved that deeply without repercussion, you will see their hands in A LOT of other places that they dont belong.
And the HUGE problem with what you are stating most people's opinions are is that it is stereotyping and discriminating. Like you said, they cant differentiate between Muslim and terrorist, they are just plain ignorant. KKK is made up of Catholics. Does that mean that we shouldnt allow any Catholic churches to be built near MLK's house or where he was assassinated? It is the SAME exact thing. Discriminating against a group of people simply based on their religious beliefs is NOT what this country was founded upon."Hey guys, I have a great idea! Let's build a mosque next to where we killed a bunch of innocent people, so we can pray and hope that our next attack goes well. For Allah!"
Not that I particularily was trying to get involved or anything, but that's basically the message that's given to most of America. After all, the attack was on us. Are we supposed to see it differently?
Please note, these are not my personal beliefs. I am in no way prejudice. Just thought I would voice how this matter is viewed by most people, of whom don't differentiate between muslim and terrorist.
With this said, I think it's the wrong place to build a mosque next to ground zero. (merely because of the magnitude of what occurred there)
At the very least, they could've chosen a different site. I'm sure it'll get the same turnout and serve the same purpose.
I don't disagree with what you're saying, in fact you make a valid point. However, maybe they could've waited another few years before placing a mosque where ground zero is. For me personally, it's not a matter of muslim or not. But knowing that the buildings that were destroyed and the lives that were lost were in the name of islam, I don't see it as very prudent to place a mosque in that particular site. I do understand that NY is very densely populated. But still, many will see it as disrespectful simply because everything that occurred there was indeed in the name of Islam.And the HUGE problem with what you are stating most people's opinions are is that it is stereotyping and discriminating. Like you said, they cant differentiate between Muslim and terrorist, they are just plain ignorant. KKK is made up of Catholics. Does that mean that we shouldnt allow any Catholic churches to be built near MLK's house or where he was assassinated? It is the SAME exact thing. Discriminating against a group of people simply based on their religious beliefs is NOT what this country was founded upon.
If we are going to stop them from building a place of worship, why the hell not just pull another Japanese-Pearl Harbor stunt and round up all the Middle Eastern looking people and just hold onto them all for a couple years.
I do agree that if a large enough open lot was available, they should have decided to build there simply to avoid all this media flak. However, NY is a VERY densely populated area, there may not have been a big enough lot available........and nobody else decided to build on that lot either, was it just supposed to remain empty forever? Yea lets leave it an empty lot as a constant reminder that this country is divided. Or maybe we could show that we are moving past looking at someones skin color, gender, and religion as a pre-requisite for whether or not they can do something. Because that's EXACTLY what this is. If we civilly let them construct this building, it will show how America has grown as a nation and unified.
I dont think its a matter of time, unless they waited for a whole generation to pass. As long as there are still people alive who were around and related to a victim, there will be unhappy people.I don't disagree with what you're saying, in fact you make a valid point. However, maybe they could've waited another few years before placing a mosque where ground zero is. For me personally, it's not a matter of muslim or not. But knowing that the buildings that were destroyed and the lives that were lost were in the name of islam, I don't see it as very prudent to place a mosque in that particular site. I do understand that NY is very densely populated. But still, many will see it as disrespectful simply because everything that occurred there was indeed in the name of Islam.
And no, muslim and terrorist are two completely different things (for the most part) but radical muslim and terrorist are in many ways more similar and thus related. In essence, it's not rude or wrong for muslims to worship next to ground zero. But maybe it is for radical muslims/terrorist to?