hahahaactually that's not me man i found that pic in the internet and just made a sig out of it , i'm actually white and drive a camaro
when is it going to storm? it hit 98 yesterday wtf, im dying over here
hahahaactually that's not me man i found that pic in the internet and just made a sig out of it , i'm actually white and drive a camaro
you're right about that my friend.There are so freakin many great deals on Miatas around Chi-town right now. C'mon you guys, you all need both a Civic and a roadster. And you know it..
wow those all look really clean Kyle, i want that msm damn that's a deal why couldn't they be that cheap when i got my 10aehttp://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/cto/1757884999.html
There are so freakin many great deals on Miatas around Chi-town right now. C'mon you guys, you all need both a Civic and a roadster. And you know it..
Yo I might be down or might roll w/yaso is anybody going to the ill garage party this coming monday (memorial day) me and lianne will probably hit it up
that's what's up man don't let me down man you don't want to be a called a flaker do you?Yo I might be down or might roll w/ya
haha I didn't commit yet Mr. "wellsee"that's what's up man don't let me down man you don't want to be a called a flaker do you?
those are some sweet rides but if i'm going to get a two seater convertable i already eyeing a specific car manufacturer
haha nekked skrippers wat!
wat i don't get itFool's running a Honda.. two-thousand.