<<Literally, vjf, I didn't expect that to come from you to me considering our past on here(Side note, I'm gonna try to not let the past rehappen, since your name is now green, lol). That makes sense what you said man.
Back on-topic of the off-topic forum based-thread(lol). To expand on my opinion. I believe that if someone(NOT just mexicans)comes to this country illegally, they NEED to be dealt with, be it deportation or death, I don't care. If deportation is the result and they come back again, the latter must be the result. They have no right to the rights of the citizens of the United States. Why, because the constitution of the United States consists of rights of citizens of the United States, not illegal aliens. If a minor is brought here illegally, I believe the DREAM Act should be used. People say that the illegals take the jobs that no-one wants. Well, in this economy, if a job of cleaning portable toilets or bailing hay is open, where can I fill out an application(I don't have a job!). If anyone wants to throw the "All United States citizens were once illegal immigrants" card, I call bullshit. That's not always true, we most likely were born here. Anyway, that's it for right now. I can barely read what I'm typing because of my blurry vision from sleep-deprivation. So, if anyone wants to debate(*cough*argue*cough*)with anything I have said, then let's discuss it in a civil manner since I'm already on the pirate ship's plank of banishment. To all, good night.
Another side note: this post makes me smile, because It's probably the most civil and smartest thing I've typed in my life that I believe. LOL!