Egnines Ej8 Build Up


formerly egninesallday
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Change your grill, tint your windows and you will be all set. How much did you drop it?
i like my grill;) i plan on getting the windows tinited sometime in the near future. and its dropped 2 inches all around


formerly egninesallday
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
nice man the rims are looking good,, hows the fitment on the lip and where did you get it?
yea man i love the rims they really set it off. thanks again. the lip is just a cheap replica from ebay. i dont have the courage to buy a nice lip :( it fits perfectly though wich i was a tad bit shocked at lol


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
This goddamn thread is awesome!
The status of the car being stolen is pretty amazing but it was even better hearing you got it back!
Anyway all the best with the car and those Si wheels are super clean!
The front lip is also a nice addition as well...


formerly egninesallday
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
This goddamn thread is awesome!
The status of the car being stolen is pretty amazing but it was even better hearing you got it back!
Anyway all the best with the car and those Si wheels are super clean!
The front lip is also a nice addition as well...
im glad its entertaining you.
i went and picked up a driver side door and some fenders from a local ricer that had like tribal and decals all over them i just went through the tedious task of removing all the stickers and i started to sand them down for paint. i will load up some pictures later im tired and a little drunk and its 11:04 am... 3rd shift fml. nighty night:cool:


formerly egninesallday
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
i just moved to colorado springs.just getting settled in and dont have alot of money so build will be prettty slow for awhile


New Member
5+ Year Member
Mahalo, if I were you I would not post pictures showing your license plate number. Believe me the voice of experience is speaking, it was a costly experience for me to learn that and posting it for free. Someone got hit by a car that looked exactly like mines lucky I had electronic print outs from work proving I was at work asides security videos and that saved my a$$


formerly egninesallday
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
thanks will mazda i sold that car though.
jay321 those arnt replicas there real polished si wheels the just dont have honda centercaps. i got them for 300 shipped from a guy on clubcivic
