- ebay kit from seller ilovetacotaco (complete cast iron log manifold, piping that had bov opening already on it an fit perfectly, stainless d/p, feed an return lines, i/c, w/g, bov, 4-ply silicone connectors, t-bolt clamps, all hardware/connectors/vaccume hoses, gaskets including extras, turbo, air filter, an boost controller...fitment was dead on only had to shorten the d/p so it would connect to the cat, an it was my choice from the get go to replace all the studs/bolts an nuts with grade 8 one, also replaced the mani for one with a central wastegate opening instead of the one runner opening mani it came with, also didnt trust the wastegate) all for... 600.00
- dsm injectors... free
- dsm resistor box... free
- replaced all supplied hardware with kit (as stated above)... 5 bucks
- centralized cast log manifold (craigslist find) 10 bucks
- hks wastegate (traded a friend for it)... technically free
- chipped plus tune (together, friend owns a speed shop, threw a deal in)... 50 bucks
- installed myself (in the rain till I quit then next day finished)... 2 packs of smokes an 3 sodas
Sooo if you know what to get, how to map out a turbo an what not you can get one fairly cheap or build a kit fairly cheap.