the thing about chirp is.. it's f**king annoying.. so you are standing behind someone who is in line.. and all of the sudden their "chirp" "chirps" and i go from waiting to buy a sandwich in line.. to feeling like I am in a gangster rap video.. the "gentleman" who goes from trying to count out enough money to pay (which by the looks of it is obviously difficult for him, ESPECIALLY with all those ones stacked on top of one another), to trying to talk to his "people" while he "be explainin dat hez tryin to pay fo dis food he just gettin, and to hit him up later", which slows everyone else down.. BUT on top of that.. because "chirp" takes something that could be INCREDIBLY simple AND discrete (NORMAL phone conversation in which both people talk at the same time).. and turns it into some annoying cluster f**k back and forth speaker phone nonsense..
with chirp.. you can NOT talk till the other person stops babbling..
with a REGULAR cell phone you both talk at the same time.. cutting the conversation time in half..
with plans that offer unlimited NORMAL CALLING.. why the f**k would you want to communicate in that grossly inefficient way.. why would you want to add an additional feature to your cell phone that makes using it SLOWER.. and well more annoying.. i really do NOT get the concept of "chirp"...