car scam


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Does anyone else think this is a huge scam or is it just me?

I found an ad on craigslist for this em1, and i sent an email out of curiosity asking if it still was for sale and here is what they said

Thank you for your interest in our car. First of all we would like to inform you about our location, Great Falls (Montana). I know that you may ask why is the price so low...well, the global financial crisis got us very bad. My husband was fired recently and we have to complete the last 5 payments for our home. If you are interested in buying it I want you to know that my sister is a DAS Shipping Company employee and he can deliver the car at your door at no costs.
The car has only 51.647 miles on it and has been very well maintained, is in a perfect cosmetic and engine conditions, meticulously maintained. No damage, no scratches or dents, no hidden defects, runs and sounds awesome just like new. There are no liens or loans remained unpaid on the car.
I'm a serious seller and a fair trader and I prefer to deal only with a serious buyer via eBay Purchase Protection. If you are serious and choose to help us please reply me asap and I will give you more details about how this transaction will work safe and smooth for both of us. The final price will be 2.300 Usd (shipping included).

Many thanks, Jessica and Michael!

PS: I have uploaded some pictures on Flickr:

And now i cant find the same ad anywhere, seems very fishy, but it would be a great deal if it were to be true


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no way thats for real man... thats gotta be a scam. if they wanted to use ebay they'd just post it on ebay, not craigslist. and cragslist is for local shiz. so no way... sorry but its just a scam.


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tell them youll pay in cash when they come to your house. see what they say


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haha i will and i bet they wont say anything back


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Ask for more specific information on the car. Ask for odd pictures from certain angles. If you say you will pay cash when it gets to your door, they will say they dont want to deliver it all the way there unless they are sure you will buy it, and they will say they cant. Tell them you are willing to drive to pick up the car in person, and pay cash there. If they refuse for whatever reason, you have a scammer.

I thought people were smarter than this. If you are not taking the car and the title home with you after handing them cash, you did something wrong. I figured all this was common sense.

Edit: also try and do a search for their email address, and try and get a phone number to contact them at. Then run a search on the number. I had a guy post an ad in my local newspaper (NJ). I emailed him, he said the car was in Maryland or some s**t, and he lived in PA. Same s**t, he would ship the car to me. Literally did a 2 minute search and found through his email address that the ad was placed in other states such as Colorado, and the phone number was registered to a place in Cali. Best thing to do in this situation.....take their email address and register it for as many gay porn newsletters as possible.


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also in that email it says "that my sister is a DAS Shipping Company employee and he can deliver the car at your door at no costs."


captin sleep0
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i have this nubian prince that has 5 billion in us dollars in an african account, he died and left it to me, if you pay a small fee of 10k i can get the money out and i will split it with you 50/50 you in?


"where you at?"
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i hate craigslist scams fell for one 2 years ago sent my f**king ipod 120gb to Nigeria.... and i paid like 30$ for shipping..

felt like the biggest dumass but o well lol


I had a Civic once.
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Ask for personal contact information, like a cell phone...

My ex almost got into one of these scams.. she even went to the bank to cash the check she received... our bank was smart, and did some weird s**t on it and came back as a fake check... since she had direct cell conversation with the loser she reported it to the police... not sure what happened though but they said they would look into it :what:


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definately a scam. ive gotten the same message before just with the details changed. they come up all the time and you can usually notice them by the impossibly low asking prices


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they would get away with it more if they sold the "car"(scam) for regular prices.. wouldnt seem to good to be true and people would fall for it
