Possible Master Cylinder Issue


New Member
5+ Year Member
Sometimes when i'm driving and I brake the break pedal will hit its stop and then slowly sink to the floor. I have to release it and pump it again to stop. This will also happen at a full stop sometimes. I did some searching and it looks like it could be an internal leak in the master cylinder.

What do you guys think?


New Member
also just to be eliminate another possiblilty, i doubt this would have anything to do with it tho, make sure you have enough brake fluid in the bowl and bleed you brake system starting from the rear passenger side, to rear driver, to the front 2 brakes. Again i dont think that is the problem but it doesnt hurt to try.


New Member
5+ Year Member
If i do a bench bleed on the new master cylinder will i have to bleed all the lines again as well?


New Member
5+ Year Member
Do you guys have a link to the bleed process, this will be my first diy brake job


New Member
Do you guys have a link to the bleed process, this will be my first diy brake job
basically its a 2 man job, one guy pumps the brakes till they stiffen and he then holds the brakes. The other guy bleeds out the line, repeat the process till no air comes out the lines, just fluid.... done deal


Team Exile/ADO Garage
Registered VIP
You can get the one-man bleeder kits at a local auto-parts store. There like $10 I think.
