Parting out a si or type r in LA?


New Member
Whats up . I just got a 94 ex coupe . it has a little smell that im not feelng at all ! lol :(

so I was thinkin I swap out the carpet and all the seats. But I want the type r or si seats I think Im talking about the rightthing . the black seat with red stitching . WOuld love for thes to be in La or atleast the so cal area thank you very much


New Member
5+ Year Member
shampoo the s**t outta your carpets and buy bucket seats!


New Member
will be shampooing the carpet later today finally lol and buckets hopefully soon need a lil extra cash


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Vacuum, shampoo and clean everything...
Maybe pull the front and rear seats to see if anything died... lol
Kidding, just get cleaning!
