Brake light problem.


New Member
5+ Year Member
So i made a bad judgement call when i decided to tent my tail lights about a year ago (I know very "ricer" of me). I installed new ones today and everything works fine except when i push the brakes with the lights in the off position my gauge lights and turn signal lights turn on like they're in the first position? Any advice would be appreciated about how to resolve my problem.


New Member
can you explain that a little better. The lights are off. And when you push the brakes, your gauge lights and turn signals come on?


New Member
If you didn't change anything try disconnecting the plug and make sure none of the pins got bent when you inserted it. It sounds kinda like you got your brake wire crossed with your parking light wire but the turn signal thing is throwing me off.


New Member
5+ Year Member
Yes when everything is off and i push the brake pedal the gauge lights and turn signal lights come on. I checked the grounds already and that didn't do anything. I am fresh out of ideas on how to try to solve the problem


silent partner
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Make sure you have the correct bulb.... The wrong bulb, can cause such problems...


New Member
5+ Year Member
well i messed around with the connections this morning and it seems to be working fine now? thanks for the advice guys
