idle problem


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ok i have a y7 and my idle is extremly low. it has stalled on me twice its probly idleing at about 100 to 300 rpm. any ideas why?


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mod list?
have you done any work on it recently?


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5+ Year Member
i have header full exhaust and intake and they have been on for months. i havent changed anything it just started doing this out of know where im throwing a code for o2 but thats it


New Member
try cleaning fuel system. pull off your air filter and spray some throttle body cleaner into the intake.. may be a simple solution


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fix the O2 sensor and if problem persists try adjusting your idle screw


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if the car has been running with the o2 sensor code for a long time maybe its just finally giving out and you need a new o2 sensor now and thats why its sending mixed signals to the ecu


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My car was doing the exact same thing. I took my Idle Air Control Valve off the side of the throttle body and cleaned it with B12 spray(Carb Cleaner). It's held on by four 8mm bolts. Just remove the bolts and spray inside. Let the cleaner dry before you put it back on (5 minutes). Your car will idle nice at stoplights even with the AC on! Also it helped my transmission shifting problem...


B20: Detroit Muscle!
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i have header full exhaust and intake and they have been on for months. i havent changed anything it just started doing this out of know where im throwing a code for o2 but thats it
unbelieveable. hmm... common sense should tell you that the o2 sensor is most likely the cause of your idle problem. maybe you should get that taken care of?
