93 dx help


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im new here but not new to the car forums. you can find me over at www.lhforums.com for my old dodge interpid.

well here is my problem. my cluster nore hvac light up with the headlights on. the radio still lights up. i checked the fuse for the intrament panel lights and the fuse is good. before i go buying new bulbs is there anything else i should look at.

i do plan on swappingt in leds no matter what the circumstances are so if your so kind and lead me into the right direction for this. i plan on purchasing from superbrightleds.com. i just need to know what size, how many, and how to remove the cluster. im sure theres a how to floating around here somewhere.


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5+ Year Member
i had the same issue with my hatch i took the cluster out and a/c control out and found all the bulbs were burnt out..... but now have swapped them for leds


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The dimmer switch don't control the illumination on the radio? I just wanna make sure I don't need a dimmer since I already plan on replacing the bulbs with led lights anyways?


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Registered VIP
The dimmer switch don't control the illumination on the radio? I just wanna make sure I don't need a dimmer since I already plan on replacing the bulbs with led lights anyways?
I pulled the switch and radio still lights up. I'll test the switch when I get home from work


New Member
lol try just hitting the top of your dash. i have a 93 civic dx with the same problem, got mad and hit the dash one day and they lit up been working ever since :P most likely wont work but worth a try =) lol

still happens once in a while, off one night then on the next night. If you find the problem you should post it here =) I need to check mine out also lol


New Member
Registered VIP
lol try just hitting the top of your dash. i have a 93 civic dx with the same problem, got mad and hit the dash one day and they lit up been working ever since :P most likely wont work but worth a try =) lol

still happens once in a while, off one night then on the next night. If you find the problem you should post it here =) I need to check mine out also lol


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Ran the test on the dimmer wiring and it all checked out.the dash light up with the red wire jumper to the black wire. Means switch is no good. I checked autozone and they want 250 for the switch. I'm gonna leave the jumper in until I get a chance to goto the junk yard
