More updated pics of My SI


New Member
I still have my hood on order, waiting for my pay check next week to get tail lights, then saving for a suspention, i really wanna lower it obviously but i just dont see how low ill be able to lower it, comments tips all appreciated, and thanks a lot to all who have already helped out



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Get new wheels before tails. Tail lights aren't as bad as the wheels.


New Member
That would be a grat idea if i had 2Gs layin aroud, tail lights are only 200 if that,
and the wheels arent that bad i like em so thats all i care about


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Just drop it and your done.


New Member
yeah thats what i thought, once its dropped the rims will look a lot better, they just look bad cuz it sits so high


New Member
hey 1997ek,.....f**k YOU, i dont give a flying f**k what u think of my car, if u dont have helpful tips other than dissin my car then get the f**k off my s**t, my car my way ass hole


Stock As All Hell
Registered VIP
whoa RedArmy, calm down. Those rims do look good but not on a Civic. that's just me though. Your car, do what u want. what taillights u getting? Other than the tails and rims nice ride.


The names Jordan
Do with which you please its your car. Some ppl might say the rims don't look good because its on a civic thats only reason. Maybe on a differnet car they would look nice. Its YOUR car not THERES.


I actually think it's pretty good if the rim's were smaller haha, but other then that I think the tail's are pretty cool ;)


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I still have my hood on order, waiting for my pay check next week to get tail lights, then saving for a suspention, i really wanna lower it obviously but i just dont see how low ill be able to lower it, comments tips all appreciated, and thanks a lot to all who have already helped out
You cannot get upset when people give you their opinion, you're asking for it. With that being said, I think a difference choice of wheels would help the car look a lot better. Good call on replacing the tail lights, glad to see those go. If you're really interested in a cheap change that would help out, go grab a new set of wipers. Other than that, it's still an Si and the exterior condition looks very clean; there is still hope to make this car great so keep up the progress.

On a side note for future reference, this doesn't belong in the tech section and it will be moved shortly.
