My last week!


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Well s**t, I haven't seen this site for almost a week now haha. Glad to finally see all my friends and family again also. I also decided to make a thread about this just to inform you guys about what's been going on.

Saturday - Went to my friends cabin for a day, went on a long boat ride.. watched them wakeboard. Typical day right? Nope. As soon as we got back from dinner, me and my friend Kevin decided to go see if we can go drift his Kawasaki Mule and as your would figure.. we crashed it. Well not really a "crash" more like, tipped it and cut my leg open a good 7 inches, 2 inches wide, and inch a half deep. So I was rushed to the hospital about 5 miles away, told me they couldnt do anything to me there, and I was rushed to a hospital 50+ miles away.

I had surgery once on saturday night, they cleaned my cut out like crazy and I was knocked out. All I remember was saying "whaaa" then seeing some guy say "bye bye!" That was only surgery #1 :lol:

Surgery #2 happened on Tuesday, and they thought they could close my cut up, so they put me out.. AGAIN. :roll: Turns out they couldn't close my leg, and they said they'd try again on Thursday.

Well that leads me to here. I was stapled shut this morning around 7 AM. Everytime I stand up, I have a ton of leg pressure in my right leg, and I lost some muscle laying around in a hospital for 5 days. I can't work for a while, no driving, and i'm on percoset. 1 pill makes me dizzy and woozy as hell :lol:. I have crutches for about a month and a half and then I gotta do physical therapy to get my mudcle back and learn how to put pressure down on this damn leg again. All in all, this wasn't a smart decistion.. and not worth it in the end.
Shitty July right?


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Live and learn, good thing you didn't lose it.


New Member
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happens to the best of us man, luckily thats all the happened and it wasnt worse....glad to hear your doin better, get well soon


Stock As All Hell
Registered VIP
damn dude that sux, guess ur not driving for awhile.

Get better man - All of CC


D-Series Soldier
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Holy smokes, its a good thing you didnt lose it bro...


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I was going to say Jesus Christ where the f**k do you live where there are hospitals like that, then I saw your location.... That sucks


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5+ Year Member
Thanks guys! It feels nice to know people actually care about me haha.

I'll post my progress as I go.


silent partner
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5+ Year Member
Glad your ok.......How much for the percs shipped to 30014??.......Just kidding....:mrgreen:


New Member
5+ Year Member
Ouch! Pics would make this a lot better ( I'm an EMT, I like seeing things like this :P )
But honestly, glad you're okay man. Coulda' been worse. Get better soon bro!


New Member
5+ Year Member
Like every one said could have been worse.... hope you have a speedy recovery


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Ouch! Pics would make this a lot better ( I'm an EMT, I like seeing things like this :P )
But honestly, glad you're okay man. Coulda' been worse. Get better soon bro!
I'll try to get the pics of my leg my sister got of it.

Total damage done - 17 staples, road rash, and sprained ankle.


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5+ Year Member
I'll get my mom to take a picture for me tomorrow noon when I'm awake haha.
As for now, time to sleep. Night guys.


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
^ made me laugh a little bit. starting to sound like biz a little.
Anyone got any adivse on how to sleep like this while having your leg elevated on 2 pillows? Theres so much pain :/


New Member
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nyquil does wonders haha

wish i could help there though, maybe i can ask my mom when i get home she had knee surgery and was in the same position for a few months


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5+ Year Member
It's like... theres pain with these pills. I'm aloud to take 2 at a time, but 1 already messes with me a ton. Haha.

Anyways, gunna chill all day watching Top Gear and get pics :thumbs up


i'm a mod now
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damn that suck man have a speedy recovery
