I was out on my R1 last night. Up here in Maine we just had a strict as f**k exhaust law pass. Anything thats been modified other then factory is against the law. Went to go drop something off at my buddies house. This was on the way there >.<
you are f**king stupid.. the cop cut you the deal of a lifetime.. and you recorded it and put it on the internet.. guess what happens when someone forwards this thread to the media.. OR the state police in your area.. do you really think everyone will point and go wow he is cool.. NO people will be like WTF I got a ticket for 10 over and this Dbag can do whatever he wants.. now the district attorney gets involved.. opens up an investigation to figure out why people aren't doing their jobs.. and you just make trouble for everyone... all so you can be cool..Yes I am bragging. You would too if u got pulled over for twice the speed limit and only got a verbal warning and got it on camera.
Why would you bring my ass to jail? Apparenty you've never been on a bike before.
I didn't run bc I am the only R1 within 50 miles of where I live. The only blue one with blue HID's in my county. Everyone knows everyone. I knew the cop who pulled me over. That and everyone knows my dad who's the fire chief in my town.
Why would you bring my ass to jail? Apparenty you've never been on a bike before.
apparently you don't know jack s**t about the law97mph in a 45mph zone
Front tire off surface of way
Excessive Exhaust Noise
Driving to Endanger
except for a deaf kid, but on serious note i have to admit i've driven fast in a public road but i was driving in secluded area where no houses is around for miles away.Lol. You guys take life too seriously. Your telling me you've never sped or hauled on your civics out of town? Bikes accelerate and slow down 150 times faster then cars. You can hear me from miles away no kid wouldve been oblivious to me coming down the road. Get the sand out of your vaginas.