looks good ! this is me being nit picky but i think the off is the fender marker is a bit high but most people dont notice s**t like that tho. Another thing i notice that confuses me why does every one hook the fender lights to the marker lights? in japan they function as Turn signal only.. Oh wellsomething is off. but nice attention to details. its clean.
You're biased^^. I think it's secks and looks killer. The side markers are a little high but other than that keep the bb's on..they're sick. Double from me.Don't care for the rims, or most the car, but merely b/c my ex's car is almost identical, except black.
keep doing your own thang, mang.
No, they actually have the same lips, same spoiler(god i hate that one), same tails. Even if it didn't resemble his car, I still wouldn't care for it. Seems a bit sloppy, but like I said, to each their own.You're biased^^. I think it's secks and looks killer. The side markers are a little high but other than that keep the bb's on..they're sick. Double from me.