spoiler help

d16y7 98 dx

d16y7 98 dx
im thinking about getting one of the factory si spoilers for my 98 dx..i found some on ebay that said they would fit a 98 and were already painted the color of my car, but they say theres the brake like or whatever on them, i really dont want that AT ALL but if i do get it, then how does the light work? like wiring wise and such or how it has to be set up..i know its probably a dumb question but im just trying to learn and make a decision. :brickshead:

also, is there any other spoiler that anyone suggests thats similar to the si one?
-btw im not into alunimum wings and all those giant shopping cart handles


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hatch? coupe? four door?


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you can likely just run the wiring into one of your tail lights, since it should function how they do.. tap into the wire that makes the brakes light up when the brake is applied.. should be pretty straight forward..
just my PERSONAL opinion.. I don't really care much for the factory spoiler.. there were some low profile flush mount trunk ones I saw once that I considered.. the stock one just sticks out too much IMO..

good luck with it either way!

d16y7 98 dx

d16y7 98 dx
you can likely just run the wiring into one of your tail lights, since it should function how they do.. tap into the wire that makes the brakes light up when the brake is applied.. should be pretty straight forward..
just my PERSONAL opinion.. I don't really care much for the factory spoiler.. there were some low profile flush mount trunk ones I saw once that I considered.. the stock one just sticks out too much IMO..

good luck with it either way!
thanks for the help. and thats cool if you dont care much for it, we all have our opinions. im just getin pretty tired of the wingless look. ive had the car since march and im just use to the way it looks, im ready to change it up a bit


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just remember that once you drill those holes in the trunk lid there's no going back.. well, it's not easy to anyway


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thanks for the help. and thats cool if you dont care much for it, we all have our opinions. im just getin pretty tired of the wingless look. ive had the car since march and im just use to the way it looks, im ready to change it up a bit
just remember that once you drill those holes in the trunk lid there's no going back.. well, it's not easy to anyway
totally agree!

but as stated if you go for it.. i dont think you will have much trouble with it.. the wiring should be simple..

d16y7 98 dx

d16y7 98 dx
well theres no going back now ha i just ordered it. i also thing im about to get the yellow fogs for my front end


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I put a si spoiler on my dx last year and I disconnected the uppermount center break light and spliced the wires from that into the wires(plus a bit more) that were given to the spoiler light. It works great!


Slow and Loving It
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What color is car? I am more of a fan of the clear tails. Everyone thinks they are more JDM buying yellow, but white looks better. UNLESS you have gold wheels :what:

d16y7 98 dx

d16y7 98 dx
well i just talked to my buddy who works on hondas for living and he said buying just a spoiler is a bad idea because you obviously have to drill holes and he said itsnot good for the car and if its not perfect itll look horrible. so i cancelled the order for it so i can think it over..and im gona think over the yellow fogs.

anyone have any past experiences with drilling in a spoiler thats good or bad?

Modest Throttle

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IMO, the only coupe spoiler that looks good is actually the lip, similar to the ones Honda's putting on the newer hybrid Civics. Otherwise it just looks out of place, cause let's be honest, the spoiler isn't going to do a lot for you in the aerodynamics department, so it just boils down to looks.
I agree that the yellow fogs only look good on certain colored cars. I like Revolver's suggestion of clear lenses with yellow bulbs.


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Dont do a spoiler

I purchased a 1997 hx and the previous owner had a shopping cart handel fast and furious wing on it now its $200 to get the holes fixed and trunk lid repianted!! So i am just gonna buy a new lid i think. Easier and cheaper!:?:


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All the wiring will be coming out the spoiler. You need additional wire and run it to the light that is INSIDE the back window. disconnect that bad boy and connected to the spoiler. You DO NOT NEED two middle lights. Keep the spoiler and dont ever worry about the one inside. Also, an alternative is to get back window visor (not sure the exact name of it), and paint that the color of your car. Looks nice on DX. Leave the spoiler to faster cars. But I placed a spoiler on my 97 EX, bought it on craigslist for 30 bux.


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I didnt have a problem drilling the holes for mine, just start really small. Theres marks on the edge of the trunk lip that show you wear the screws and holes from the factory. I believe it came with foam to put between the spoiler and the trunk on the bottom to insulate/pad it from water and such.
