Mosque near ground zero


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I agree with Shane, and thats what I have been saying since my first post. OC said that America is dying.....well its not going to die anymore by allowing citizens to freely pursue their religious beliefs.


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I'm not muslim, and I don't understand much of that religion or their behavior
well maybe you should take a quick look around before you formulate your opinion.. while I am SURE there are PLENTY of peaceful loving Muslims in the world.. there are TONS (IN FACT ENTIRE NATIONS FILLED) of Muslims who want nothing more than your way of life to END as violently as possible.. simply because you are American.. you want those assholes in your neighborhood.. GO FOR IT.. I don't..

It's funny.. when white people want to get all nutty and have crazy views the government sends the forces out to KILL them ruby ridge, waco, etc.. but when crazy f**king Muslims want to build shrines or celebrate their craziness.. not only does the government allow it.. but they encourage it.. we have gotten so politically correct that we IGNORE the obvious..

and just to be fair.. you will notice these are CNN clips (a traditionally LIBERAL media outlet..)





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So two wrongs make a right? You see an unfair situation happen to your NCO Staff so it's ok to be unfair and blanket discriminate against others?
I'm confused by your question... the incident I'm talking about isn't an argument for or against anything, it's not a justification to discriminate against anyone, it was merely an example of how s**t works... one of us f**ked it up (and probably got sentenced to break rocks in the brig for the rest of his life, which is not even half the sentence I would've given him) and the rest of us were distanced from the Okinawans as much as possible, because we realized how that would cause further social tension with our host country... it was a Marine that did it, yet every single American military member was forbidden to be off base with the exception of transit from base to base. It wasn't the Japanese that forced the curfew, it was us. While I didn't like it, and I had not a thing to do with the Staff NCO in question, I understood the importance of the curfew, which was to prevent any further inflammation of the tensions that materialized in the wake of the incident.

Perhaps this is a principle that other people could adopt, is all that I'm saying.


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If they buy the land they should be able to build there. I don't see why it matters what religion is moving in next to ground zero. This is the United States. The land of the free remember.


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If they buy the land they should be able to build there. I don't see why it matters what religion is moving in next to ground zero. This is the United States. The land of the free remember.

doesn't really matter what you guys think, they have the right to do it, and that's that.


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It is funny how liberals do things...

When you look at freedom in particular..

The right to keep and bare arms: umm yeah you can have SOME guns.. but you can't have ones that look too scary.. or ones that hold too many bullets.. etc..basically saying YES you have this right but it is EXTREMELY limited..

Freedom of religion: yes you can do whatever you want wherever you want... you can celebrate your anti-american sentiment wherever you want..sure go for it!

guess what they are billing this as a community center.. when it is called a mosque they are QUICK to claim no no it is a community center.. so I am not sure that freedom of religion even really applies.. again to watch American hating Muslim extremists from all over the world funneling money into something made primarily to mock us, and to have Americans support this.. it's pathetic.. sure people have freedoms.. but the US better make sure that NONE of the finances to do this are coming from terrorist organizations... you people see things in such a story book context.. YES there are TONS of America loving Muslims.. I can NOT dispute that.. but there are that many more who would LOVE to see this entire nation burned to the ground.. Maybe it is different for me... I live approximately 2 hours from ground zero and have many family and friends DIRECTLY impacted by the events of September 11th.... this is a sensitive situation.. but even with that said, guess what.. even though you all say "they have a right" they do.. but the city and the people of the city CAN stop things like this.. a community CAN decide it doesn't want something in a certain area, to say you can not have this "here" does NOT deny religious rights.. to deny religious rights is to say you can not have it anywhere..


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The right to keep and bare arms: umm yeah you can have SOME guns.. but you can't have ones that look too scary.. or ones that hold too many bullets.. etc..basically saying YES you have this right but it is EXTREMELY limited..
This.....and it f**king sucks in Jersey.......

to watch American hating Muslim extremists from all over the world funneling money into something made primarily to mock us, and to have Americans support this..
Maybe they arent trying to mock us by building this, how do you know they are not trying to show that America can move past this? How do you know that the people trying to build the Mosque/Community center are not these people here.......
YES there are TONS of America loving Muslims..
to say you can not have this "here" does NOT deny religious rights.. to deny religious rights is to say you can not have it anywhere..
I see where you are coming from. However, a community saying "We dont want you to build this here BECAUSE OF YOUR RELIGION".....that IS denying religious rights. That is discrimination and it is wrong. Thats what everyone is saying, that the dont want the Mosque there BECAUSE THE PEOPLE BUILDING IT ARE MUSLIMS.


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YES there are TONS of America loving Muslims.. I can NOT dispute that.. but there are that many more who would LOVE to see this entire nation burned to the ground
I would love to see some actual references on this fact..... And media brainwashing video's don't count.

If you prove this to me I will change my position on this subject.


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I am against it. Not because i dont like Muslums, but because Barak Obama had to publicly say that he approves of it. Call me a douche bag, or racist or whatever you want, people keep pushing the envelope and then cry the freedom card. f**k that, im sure New York dosent want to hear the call to pray over a loud speaker. I know i sure as hell dont.


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Maybe they arent trying to mock us by building this, how do you know they are not trying to show that America can move past this? How do you know that the people trying to build the Mosque/Community center are not these people here.......
While I obviously do not KNOW, I can tell you with certainty that the simple fact that a lot of the support FOR the mosque is coming from terrorist organizations such as Hamas, that is company I do not wish to keep...

further the Quran teaches that Muslims SHOULD construct mosques in areas where they have been victorious.. (masjid is mosque)

" Said those who prevailed in the matter, "We will surely take [for ourselves] over them a masjid."
So Muslims SHOULD be sensitive to that fact and the way that building a mosque on that ground could be perceived..

*The Quran plainly says.. build a mosque where Muslims are victorious...
*Muslims attacked us at ground zero
*Militant Muslim extremist support the mosque

so really I don't give a f**k what the people financing of the project think.. or what the intention was.. but that is NOT the place to put that thing..

I would love to see some actual references on this fact..... And media brainwashing video's don't count.

If you prove this to me I will change my position on this subject.
Do you honestly not realize that there are peaceful loving Muslims but then also hateful extremist Muslims...

Do you not realize that Muslims of the middle east typically have a PROVEN hatred of America for its support of Israel..

Do you not see that in the videos I posted there are Muslims CELEBRATING violence against America, I INTENTIONALLY chose CNN as a source because it is a leftist liberal media source. meaning that they are MORE likely to skew the news to SUPPORT Muslims...

"media brain washing"? really.. it is literally SHOWING you how those particular Muslims feel.. and again it is a LONG STANDING KNOWN FACT that MANY middle eastern nations / Muslim groups DESPISE the meddling of the US in reference to Israel.. this is not something made up...


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I'm not stupid of coarse I realize there are extremists, you are trying to convince me they out number the peace loving Muslims and are the majority not the minority.

I want statistical numbers that more of them in America hate America, not some extremist here n there and no, a video of some nutjob outside a mosque doesn't count.

Do you believe everything you see on tv? Give me a legitimate reference, that's not too much to ask.


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I'm not stupid of coarse I realize there are extremists, you are trying to convince me they out number the peace loving Muslims and are the majority not the minority.

I want statistical numbers that more of them in America hate America, not some extremist here n there and no, a video of some nutjob outside a mosque doesn't count.

Do you believe everything you see on tv? Give me a legitimate reference, that's not too much to ask.
They don't have to be in American to hurt America.

I see it as terrorist pretty much having a safe house in New York now. Just as drug cartels have safe houses in Arizona.

If you do not want to stereotype, to make yourself a good person, or because you believe stereotyping is not good.. or for whatever reason it is that you don't wan to stereotype, that is fine...BUT how do you know for a fact that whoever your try not to stereotype isn't really a terrorist? you don't know , i don't know, we don't know, the f**king FBI doesn't know. lol. Looks like we will learn the hard way.


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They don't have to be in American to hurt America.

I see it as terrorist pretty much having a safe house in New York now. Just as drug cartels have safe houses in Arizona.

Wow, that is so ridiculous, just wow Hector, it's not an Al Queda training facility, it's a place of worship for all religions, it's a community center to help communities. 99% of Muslims are just as against Al Queda as we are, they pillage their villages, rape women and kidnap kids for Al Queda in the middle East.


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extended clips


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Wow, that is so ridiculous, just wow Hector, it's not an Al Queda training facility, it's a place of worship for all religions, it's a community center to help communities. 99% of Muslims are just as against Al Queda as we are, they pillage their villages, rape women and kidnap kids for Al Queda in the middle East.
why because you say so? or because Hamas says so..

you can not IGNORE media reports because media is slanted...

do you understand the anti-Israel sentiment among most middle eastern countries? you DO understand that it exists?

you do understand that we are pretty much the biggest helper Israel has..

so it is very logical to assume that if person X wants to DESTROY person B.. and person C has had a historical position in aiding person B it is pretty reasonable to assume that not only does person X hate person B but they will hate person C as well... you want me to DOCUMENT Muslim anti-American hate?:roll: I am sure there are tons of statistics on that.. that is like trying to quantify thought.. .you can't..

If you are unsure that the majority of middle eastern countries/Muslim nations HATE the US due to its close bond with Israel I will leave you with this wonderful image from a middle eastern city.. maybe coming to a local wall in your community... after all it IS covered under free speech right:roll:



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99% of Muslims are just as against Al Queda as we are, they pillage their villages, rape women and kidnap kids for Al Queda in the middle East.
prove it.. where are YOUR statistics... at least I didnt make up random percentages..;)


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I think what most people who oppose this are in America, EVERY CITIZEN has the right to practice any religion they please. Lowering ourselves to discriminating on a group of people ONLY based on their religion is completely discriminatory.


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all I have to say is freedom of religion :what: That's how this country was founded.
