Mosque near ground zero


formerly known as FAN8228
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They should build it... and then fly some remote control operated 757's full of prisoners from Guantanamo into the Mosque :oh:


formerly known as FAN8228
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I am against it. Not because i dont like Muslums, but because Barak Obama had to publicly say that he approves of it. Call me a douche bag, or racist or whatever you want, people keep pushing the envelope and then cry the freedom card. f**k that, im sure New York dosent want to hear the call to pray over a loud speaker. I know i sure as hell dont.
you racist whatever you want douche bag :lol:


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They according to the constitution have every right to celebrate their religion wherever they want providing they do not infringe on the rights of others so from a simple basic perspective they are in the right..

with that said I think it valuable to at least address the following points of interest..

* funding for this "mosque" would come from ALL over the world.. and I would think it be CRITICAL to make sure none of this money is coming from those scumbags who are associated with terrorists..

* even though Muslims were killed in 911.. even though the thoughts and feelings of ALL Muslims may not be evil and vile.. you HAVE TO appreciate that the attack on 911 WAS A MUSLIM RELIGIOUS ATTACK.. brought by middle eastern terrorists.. Muslim extremists would want nothing more than to bathe in the blood of Americans.. so with that said wanting to build this there just illustrates they are a bunch of sole less assholes.. just because freedom of speech allows you to bad mouth the families of gay soldiers who have died in the war DOES NOT MEAN THAT DOING SO IS MORALLY RIGHT.. just because freedom of religion ALLOWS you to build a mosque right next to an area where we suffered one of the most devastating attacks ever on US soil, at the hands of Muslim extremist does NOT MAKE IT RIGHT.. so go ahead build your f**king mosque.. enrage Americans just that much more.. keep pushing.. so that maybe some day America will wake the f**k up, and break off this bullshit PC leash and take their country back..

the problem in this country is we are dying.. we are dying because we are no longer Americans.. when my great grandparents came here.. they came here to BE AMERICANS... not to be Italian- Americans.. or German-Americans.. they were here to be AMERICANS.. there really aren't too many Americans anymore.. people who come here.. and retain all of their customs.. and languages and ignore AMERICA erode the fabric of our nation.. it is FINE to celebrate your nationality.. and culture.. but it is EQUALLY important to support America and become PART OF America.. try wearing a burka in 1950's NY city and see how that all goes.. people don't WANT to be Americans.. they want to come here.. rape our resources and avoid assimilation at any costs..

building a MUSLIM center a stones throw from 911? are you f**king serious? you know what would have happened if a bunch of "Japanese- Americans" tried to build some type of "Asian art center" near pearl harbor a few years after the attack? IT WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED.. not because there is a law against it.. but because America had more respect for itself than to allow that bullshit!


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They should build it... and then fly some remote control operated 757's full of prisoners from Guantanamo into the Mosque :oh:


silent partner
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building a MUSLIM center a stones throw from 911? are you f**king serious? you know what would have happened if a bunch of "Japanese- Americans" tried to build some type of "Asian art center" near pearl harbor a few years after the attack? IT WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED.. not because there is a law against it.. but because America had more respect for itself than to allow that bullshit!
So true......


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For sake of example,

The unabomber is Christian,

So everyone here would be just as pissed off if they built a church w/in 4 blocks of the Federal Building he blew up.


Pearl Harbor example yields no merit as it wasn't Japanese extremists who bombed it it was Japan as a whole.

oc_civic said:
you know what would have happened if a bunch of "Japanese- Americans" tried to build some type of "Asian art center"
Japanese, Chinese, all Asian right? Same diff lol

Your right, America is dying, close minded-ness is a cancer that is spreading :shock:


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I will be reading through this later, havent read everyones opinions yet.

I personally think there is no problem with it. The terrorists who led the attacks on 9/11 happened to be Muslim, but that does not mean that Muslims ARE terrorists. Bottom line, not even that I think.......but they have every right to build a Mosque there if they so wish.

The media has infinite power. One of my favorite song lyrics says "When [the media] owns the information, they can bend it all they want."
John Mayer. Thats a good song.
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For sake of example,

The unabomber is Christian,

So everyone here would be just as pissed off if they built a church w/in 4 blocks of the Federal Building he blew up.


Pearl Harbor example yields no merit as it wasn't Japanese extremists who bombed it it was Japan as a whole.

Japanese, Chinese, all Asian right? Same diff lol

Your right, America is dying, close minded-ness is a cancer that is spreading :shock:
the difference is the unabomber did not belong to a religious extreme group bent on destruction of America and the people within it.. he along with many are single nut case whack jobs.. they do not represent an enormous religious group bent on our destruction..

to make the example MORE clear...

you would NOT allow a GROUP be it a religious, ethnic, etc.. to build a structure celebrating the groups main focus in close proximity to an American tragedy..

and if America is dying due to close mindedness why is it such a s**t hole NOW and NOT 60.. 70.. years ago.. you can look for scape goats all day.. but the reality is things are WAY worse NOW than they have EVER been..


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What religion were the terrorist of 911?


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the issue is that religious extremist are NOT doing things AND just happen to be a given religion.. they are doing s**t BECAUSE of the religion they follow.. so building a structure celebrating that religion will be viewed by ALL Muslim extremists as a victory.. one they do not deserve to have..

Hijack planes...
Destroy two iconic American structures..
Take the lives of THOUSANDS in the process..

reward with the building of a mosque...

while NOT all Muslims are extremists the issue I personally have with it is VERY clear..


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You said "it's close to the site where the terrorists have killed 3,000 people." I hope we all know by now that not all muslims are terrorists. So why punish the masses for the crimes of the few?
Tough f**king luck!

Why were all people that looked like illegal Mexicans trying to be punished?

A couple of Mexicans f**ked up for a lot of Mexican, just as a few Muslims f**ked it up for a lot of Muslims


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Tough f**king luck!

Why were all people that looked like illegal Mexicans trying to be punished?

A couple of Mexicans f**ked up for a lot of Mexican, just as a few Muslims f**ked it up for a lot of Muslims
I have never agreed with you more than with this single post...

this is how it ALWAYS works..


formerly known as FAN8228
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5+ Year Member
Tough f**king luck!

Why were all people that looked like illegal Mexicans trying to be punished?

A couple of Mexicans f**ked up for a lot of Mexican, just as a few Muslims f**ked it up for a lot of Muslims

got traction

i rock the sohc
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Tough f**king luck!

Why were all people that looked like illegal Mexicans trying to be punished?

A couple of Mexicans f**ked up for a lot of Mexican, just as a few Muslims f**ked it up for a lot of Muslims
I approve this message :D


Your mom's boyfriend
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It seems as though OC pretty much said everything I wanted to while I was asleep. :lol:

A different part of the "big picture" is that the leaders of Hamas have themselves said that they MUST build a Mosque as near to Ground Zero as possible as a symbol of their victory over America... if we capitulate, how much stronger will these groups' hold be over the people they are trying to control, halfway across the globe?

And to go with the other previous subject, a couple years ago here on Okinawa a Staff NCO raped a 14 year old Okinawan girl, causing the ENTIRE ISLAND to be locked down for 4 months. Does that mean that all Staff NCOs rape 14 year old girls? Or Americans as a whole are disgusting animals that go around raping an pillaging all over the island? No, but he definitely f**ked it up for the rest of us and set back our relations with the Okinawans at least 5 years.


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I still stand by what I said, that they have the RIGHT to build the Mosque, or community center....whatever the f**k you want to call it. Anything preventing them from building this simply because they are Muslim is unconstitutional. That being said......Im going out and buying a f**kin pistol ASAP, people are f**king crazy :lol:


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I say let them build it... then we can fly a plane into it.


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I still stand by what I said, that they have the RIGHT to build the Mosque, or community center....whatever the f**k you want to call it. Anything preventing them from building this simply because they are Muslim is unconstitutional. That being said......Im going out and buying a f**kin pistol ASAP, people are f**king crazy :lol:
if things get bad.. real bad.. you are gonna need a hell of a lot more than a pistol.. granted a pistol MIGHT buy you enough time to get south.. and meet up with us... but I wouldn't bank on it.. better get a rifle to..;)


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Or Americans as a whole are disgusting animals that go around raping an pillaging all over the island? No, but he definitely f**ked it up for the rest of us and set back our relations with the Okinawans at least 5 years.
So two wrongs make a right? You see an unfair situation happen to your NCO Staff so it's ok to be unfair and blanket discriminate against others?

I'm not muslim, and I don't understand much of that religion or their behavior but this is America, founded by Europeans wanting religious freedom, if we start denying others that same freedom this is no longer America. We were attacked because of our freedom.

After Pearl Harbor we round up all Asians and put them in camps, so since we did that then we should round up all Muslims?

You can't keep comparing what we did 50 years ago to today and just because we did something in the past doesn't make it right.
