Help me make my workout!


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Ok guys, i know some of you work out a lot so this is why im asking this lol. Ive recently gotten started working out for fireschool but in the gym im kinda lost on what to do. Im trying to get strong as fast as possible since it will really benefit me in fireschool. So why i made this thread lol Im wondering what would be a good workout i could do monday - friday from about 4:30- 6 every day, thanks for the help guys


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Oh and btw i dont need to do lower body since i train 3 days a week for soccer


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beat off 6 times a day using each hand equally


Failboat sails at 9
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M-F workout for 1.5 hours, focusing primarily on upper body...hmmm. Try this one.

M: Warm up with about 30 min of cardio. Then do Chest/Triceps for about 50-55minutes, making sure to stretch before/after.

Tue: Warm up with 30min of cardio. I know you play soccer but the strength is going to be key in fireschool, I knew guys talk about carrying hundreds of pounds up stairs for fun there. Focus on Quads/Hamstrings/calves/Hip flexors for about an hour. Be sure to stretch before/after

Wed: 45min cardio, 45 min stretching/abs/core training.

Thurs: 30min cardio warmup. Work on upper body again, focus on back/biceps primarily with secondary focus on chest/tris after your back/biceps sets are done. Stretch before and after.

Fri: 30min cardio warmup. Do hams/quads/calves again. Focus more on the big muscles this day than the small ones like hip flexors, etc. Stretch before and after.

Take the weekend off, start over again.


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There is a fitness thread of VIP.

My suggestion for fireschool....I would do full body workouts, they should help strengthen your core and the functionality of your body. Full body lifts will help you learn how to use multiple muscle groups in conjunction with each other.

Oh yea, you dont want to work out every single day doing the same workouts. You will do more damage than anything. Your muscles need time to heal and to grow.


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M-F workout for 1.5 hours, focusing primarily on upper body...hmmm. Try this one.

M: Warm up with about 30 min of cardio. Then do Chest/Triceps for about 50-55minutes, making sure to stretch before/after.

Tue: Warm up with 30min of cardio. I know you play soccer but the strength is going to be key in fireschool, I knew guys talk about carrying hundreds of pounds up stairs for fun there. Focus on Quads/Hamstrings/calves/Hip flexors for about an hour. Be sure to stretch before/after

Wed: 45min cardio, 45 min stretching/abs/core training.

Thurs: 30min cardio warmup. Work on upper body again, focus on back/biceps primarily with secondary focus on chest/tris after your back/biceps sets are done. Stretch before and after.

Fri: 30min cardio warmup. Do hams/quads/calves again. Focus more on the big muscles this day than the small ones like hip flexors, etc. Stretch before and after.

Take the weekend off, start over again.
Thank you for these suggestions, what kind of exercises would you recommend


Failboat sails at 9
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Thank you for these suggestions, what kind of exercises would you recommend
3 sets of a rep-able weight, making sure to go past failure on last set.

Chest: Bench, incline, or flys

Triceps: Machine tricep curls, close handed benches, dips.

Biceps: Curls, inside pull ups.

Back: Rows, reverse flys.

Quads/Hams/Calves: leg sled, leg press, squats.

Quads: Leg extension machine

Hams: Leg curl machine

Calves: Calf press machine

Abs: Sit ups, ab machines, hanging leg lifts, ball sit ups

Hip flexors: Hip adductors

Groin: Hip abductors


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I dont think I would recommend 30 minutes for a cardio workout. Your lifts are REALLY going to suffer. Get on the treadmill and do a quick walk to light run for 5-10 minutes, otherwise your body will be too tired to lift with the proper form.


Rubbin on yo booty
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Monday: Chest/triceps
Tuesday: Back/biceps
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Shoulders/traps
Friday: Legs
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

IMO, this routine is pretty basic and straight forward... As long as you know what exercises to do and how to do them, then you'll gain pretty much all around for mass, strength, endurance, etc... Being a firefighter (I assume that's what you're going to want to be doing) looks like they'd need some strength to carry around the usual items being 50-100+lbs on the regular (if anything does go down). Not to mention, the suit alone weights roughly 50lbs so there's quite a bit of strength that's needed. Stamina and endurance would be the next obvious thing on the list since y'all do run around back and forth and have to take on usually whatever is thrown at you. So... What does all of this mean? I don't know, I'm just talking nonsense right now... BUT!...

If you work mostly with free weights doing compound lifts, then you'll be good to tackle on any fire/grizzle bear.


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You should do cardio after workout to burn off that body fat.Why? because your heart rate is already high and after lifting you do cardio to keep that rate at a constant. Also to reserve your energy to lifting weights

Just follow a simple routine you can mix around or experiment but stick to the "core/primary exercises"

this is mine..

Primary: bench press is a must(incline flat)
Cooldown: Flys, machine press

Primary: SQAUTSQAUTSQUAT and deadlift
cooldown: calves, leg press, glute raises

P : BARBELL ROWS and dumbell curls
CD: latpull down, hammer curls, wide chin ups

P: military overhead press and skull crusher
CD: front/ side lat raises and the rope thing that u extend ur tricep and pull ups

I'm not a body builder or anything but 2 months ago i could barely do 2 pull ups. Now i can do 7 easy.. might not seem a lot relative to other ppl but thats a 250% increase for me.

You should try your best during the primarys but for cooldowns you should just do high reps low sets...just to stretch your muscles or to get a feel.


Failboat sails at 9
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I dont think I would recommend 30 minutes for a cardio workout. Your lifts are REALLY going to suffer. Get on the treadmill and do a quick walk to light run for 5-10 minutes, otherwise your body will be too tired to lift with the proper form.
What are you, gay or something? 30min light cardio is great warm up. If you're tired after 30min cardio you need to re-analyze what you're doing in the gym. :lol:

Plus. I dunno about you, but I do 30 min of light cardio, keeping my HR at about 130, before every workout, because it gets the blood flowing. I've been lifting for almost 7 years now, and did it competitively for a year. If you go into a workout with only a minor wake-up cardio sesh, you're gonna regret it later. I would say never any less than 15 minutes, but personally I never do less than 25min.


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I dont think I would recommend 30 minutes for a cardio workout. Your lifts are REALLY going to suffer. Get on the treadmill and do a quick walk to light run for 5-10 minutes, otherwise your body will be too tired to lift with the proper form.
when i was goin to the gym i ran for 30 min , then worked out, and i got pretty f**king cut, i think running before you work out gets you pumped up, and gets them juices flowing. just sayin.


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thanks for all the good advice guys, ill be trying some of these out soon


captin sleep0
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look at the vip thread. too much good info in there. you ask 100 different people you will get 100 different lifting styles. its highly debated and discussed between the medical world. what kind of body do you have? how tall are you, how much do you weigh? are you looking to bulk or get cut? you play soccer, so i assume you get enough cardio throughout the week, from personal experience i would say leg workouts will help you get gains for the rest of your lifts. how long do you have to get strong? my buddy that went through a local fire academy does yoga for 1.5 hrs every other day, says it had huge gains... answer these for me and i can help you out. but remember different strokes for different folks ;)


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I also recommend you look into the "Sexiest Laotion Man" thread in VIP.

However, I fully agree with Victor (vjf) in this thread.

I really do NOT recommend 30 minutes of cardio prior to your workout. I'd say more like 5 minutes on an eliptical and a little bit of dynamic stretching before your workout. This will get your muscles loose, your brain mentally prepared, and the blood flowing.

I also recommend full body workouts and compound lifts. Compound lifts (if you don't know) are lifts that hit many muscles at once. The clean and jerk is an example of a compound lift.

You NEED to hit your legs. Your soccer workouts are the exact opposite of what you want for fireman's training. You're working your slow twitch muscle fibers and aerobic(with air) respiration for long term endurance. You'll want to do fast twitch workouts (which invariably ALSO hit your slow-twitch fibers) and work on anaerobic(without air) respiration.

I'd recommend a circuit with 3x5 or 5x5 set / rep compositions with HEAVY weights. Experiment with the two and see what works for you. It's completely acceptable to mix the two compositions for different exercises. A circuit means that you would do one set of one exercise... then do another exercise.. and another.. until you've done one rep of every exercise. Then come back and do your second set, etc.. Your aim is to complete the workout in as fast of a time as you can. This will BLAST your body. Expect to be completely exhausted for the rest of the day and incredibly sore the next day for the first few workouts. Your body will adapt and you'll be ready for all scenarios.

As a fireman you have to
-Carry heavy equipment (strong core / back muscles are necessary.. as well as strong legs.)
-Lift heavy things from the ground.. fallen debris, people, etc (compound lifts using many muscles. Explosive fast twitch movements.)
-Hack stuck doors / windows so you can get into the building (explosive, fast twitch movements / core work.)
-Sprint (fast twitch fibers)
-Continue when you're absolutely exhausted (circuit training has this covered.)

I recommend a full body workout then a FULL 24-48 hours of rest. 3 workouts a week. AKA, work out.. skip a day, come back. This schedule could look like this

Monday - Full body workout
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Full body workout
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Full body workout
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Rest

I know you have soccer to mix in with this. I don't know entirely how rigorous your soccer workouts are, but if you need to, you'll still see good gains with 2 days a week of this type of workout. Some people do full body workouts once a week and still see decent gains. Obviously, 1 day won't be as good as 2, and 2 won't be as good as 3. Just don't over do it.

The principles I've layed out for you above will have you ready for fireschool. I didn't give you exact exercises because it will largely depend on your equipment available and your exercise preference. Just make sure you hit every body part.


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Everyone's a f**king expert. I wrestled Grizzly's when I was training.

GL w/ training and qualifying.
