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I wouldnt exactly say that, he is the one who decided to cutback on fireman and police officer funding.
NO.. he is the one that cut funding to the townships..

it is the pompous unions who decided to NOT advice workers to take pay cuts to keep everyone on the job...

here is the problem..

teachers making $100k a year
cops making $80k a year

who is paying them?

the municipality.. the municipality gets money in TWO ways.. from the state.. and from citizens through taxation..

the STATE CUT FUNDING because they can not afford it (this is the LOGICAL) thing to do..
so then the municipality has less money... which leaves them a few options..

CUT spending OR continue to spend the way they were and get the money elsewhere (TAX INCREASE)

so what SHOULD have happened is teachers unions.. emergency management unions.. should have gotten together.. understood we are in bad financial times and work WITH the government.. but no.. they are so f**king full of themselves they try to get the money in other places.. the guys way high up REFUSE to take a pay cut so it leaves the guys low on the totem poll jobless collecting (increase in cost to tax payers)

so.. it is NOT Christie.. it is these scumbag unions that are causing the problem.. BE MAD.. but be mad at the right person please.. ;)


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not being a smartass.. but..
did you seriously not understand that.. because I can try to explain it to you in a simpler way..


names Brenton
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Everyone has said "f**k the Police." Now the police say "f**k YOU!"


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No dude I totally understood it. I understand where you are coming from, and it was my mistake.
