The Time Machine Thread


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Let's keep this civil. Let's keep this clean. Let's be adults. We all have our weaknesses. We all have moments that we wish we could change. We all have moments we may be ashamed / embarrassed of. But the past is past. There is nothing we can do. We can only work towards our future.

With that being said, here is my idea for this thread: If you had a time machine and could go back to ANY point in time where you wish you could've changed something, name it, describe it, MS Paint it, whatever. If you don't want to get personal, that's fine. Name something else then.

Here's mine: I would go back to the beginning of high school and do everything all over again. I was so shy. I didn't talk much. I wish I could go back and just re-do it all. Where I am now, I'm just not happy and wish I could go back and re-do it and find my passion in life before high school ended. Then I wouldn't have gone to a college I flunked out of, another college I almost flunked out of, and dead end jobs that aren't getting me anywhere when I see people from my class getting nice jobs, promotions, and even getting married right now.


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i wish i could go back in time and not put so much hot sauce on my taco cuz my tummy hurts.


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i wish i could be a kid lie...ya you had to go to school, do hw, and be back by dark...but those were the only things you had to worry about...


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i wish i could go back to the beginning of my first year of college (last year) and not party so much and focus more on my schooling so i wouldn't get academically dismissed, since i used to swim there too i want to be on the team again it was so much fun i miss not doing sports competitively, and it was a division 2 team, damn i wanna go back to that school, damn i f**ked up


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EDIT: ^^^ and cooties...
You are only supposed to say "Edit:" when you actually edit your post :lol:

Anyway, do we really have to go back to a point in OUR life? Or can we say something like "I wish I could go back and be part of storming Normandy"?


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i wish i could go back to 9th grade as well, f**ked up my grades really bad


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i wish i could go back to 9th grade as well, f**ked up my grades really bad
lol I was smoking weed behind the bleachers when I should have been in class. I wish I could have my old Civic again...Now that I have a better job all my dreams for it would have become a reality.


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You are only supposed to say "Edit:" when you actually edit your post :lol:

Anyway, do we really have to go back to a point in OUR life? Or can we say something like "I wish I could go back and be part of storming Normandy"?
Originally, I wanted it to be something that's part of YOUR life. That way it means more. But if you really feel like there is a point in history where you wish you could've been, or wish you could've changed, or what have you, then sure, why not.


Did sum1 say mud??
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I'd go back into and tell my parents to let me finish public school. I feel i missed some things and maybe missed out on some friendships.


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Originally, I wanted it to be something that's part of YOUR life. That way it means more. But if you really feel like there is a point in history where you wish you could've been, or wish you could've changed, or what have you, then sure, why not.
Okay. I think that allowing it to be ANYTIME in history would make this interesting, although keeping it personal would make it....well personal.

I am a believer that EVERYTHING in my past led me to where I am now, and I am pretty happy with who I am. Pretty deep, but just being honest. I also think that applies to anything in history, basically meaning that something like say.....preventing the attacks on 9/11 may have directed our country in a great path, or could have led us down a much worse path. I think the only thing I can honestly say I would change though.....would be going back two years and voting for McCain instead of not voting at all.


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While I believe in not having any regrets, there are two points in my life I'd go back to...

First one is the fall of 2007. f**ked around and talked w/ someone I promised my (then) new girlfriend that I wouldn't. Never had all of her trust back after that.

Second one would be the beginning of July this summer... I told this same girl (from 2007) that I thought maybe we shouldn't be together, and that it wasn't worth it. I quickly found out that it WAS and she's already begun getting over it, etc... and has plans to move / transfer to her Aunts in Sac-town once this semester is out. I initially started the whole thing and now I'm stuck fighting for what I spent the last three years building. My best friend, girlfriend, therapist, assistant mechanic, etc... might be gone. :(


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Call me crazy... but I can't think of anything I'd change about my life. Everything I've done has led me to where I am now. I sat here thinking of crappy times in my life... and they all point to where I am right now. I was shy throughout school, I didn't take my first year of college seriously, I've spent incredible amounts of time playing video games in my life, and I fell into depression in high school. All of it points to my current success, and I don't think that I'd be as successful as I've been lately without those events in my life.

If I think of something, i'll post it in here... but in the mean time, I'll say "no thanks" to the time machine. :D


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the thing i would change from my past would be to go back 2 years and pay attention and do better at college. it was a lot of fun.

and the thing i would love to do is go back to about the 70's with about $50K and buy some lakefront property at claytor lake virginia, and about 3 hemi cuda convertables, and put them in storage. make that a trust fund type deal for when i finished school. then return to present day and be set. sell 2 cudas and keep the last for myself. id be sittin on over 2mil from the cars, and probaly a couple more in property values on the lakefront property.


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Joe, that was pretty deep............wait thats exactly what I said :lol:


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Call me crazy... but I can't think of anything I'd change about my life. Everything I've done has led me to where I am now. I sat here thinking of crappy times in my life... and they all point to where I am right now. I was shy throughout school, I didn't take my first year of college seriously, I've spent incredible amounts of time playing video games in my life, and I fell into depression in high school. All of it points to my current success, and I don't think that I'd be as successful as I've been lately without those events in my life.

If I think of something, i'll post it in here... but in the mean time, I'll say "no thanks" to the time machine. :D

I would not want to re do anything. Cause I would not be where I am today. An I was one wild mother f**ker too :lol:


I ♥ NYGraFFit :)
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I would have never broke up with my bf of almost 4 years... I wasn't happy anymore, but now I realize being without him makes me feel worse than with him...


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lol Victor - I didn't read any of the posts except for the original post. Was heading to bed and figured I'd come in and read everyone's replies today :lol:


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I would have never broke up with my bf of almost 4 years... I wasn't happy anymore, but now I realize being without him makes me feel worse than with him...
Oh hey there... My name is John and I'm 23 and single and looking for companionship.


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I wish i can go back in time and made my parents start and finish college...xD
