Let's keep this civil. Let's keep this clean. Let's be adults. We all have our weaknesses. We all have moments that we wish we could change. We all have moments we may be ashamed / embarrassed of. But the past is past. There is nothing we can do. We can only work towards our future.
With that being said, here is my idea for this thread: If you had a time machine and could go back to ANY point in time where you wish you could've changed something, name it, describe it, MS Paint it, whatever. If you don't want to get personal, that's fine. Name something else then.
Here's mine: I would go back to the beginning of high school and do everything all over again. I was so shy. I didn't talk much. I wish I could go back and just re-do it all. Where I am now, I'm just not happy and wish I could go back and re-do it and find my passion in life before high school ended. Then I wouldn't have gone to a college I flunked out of, another college I almost flunked out of, and dead end jobs that aren't getting me anywhere when I see people from my class getting nice jobs, promotions, and even getting married right now.
With that being said, here is my idea for this thread: If you had a time machine and could go back to ANY point in time where you wish you could've changed something, name it, describe it, MS Paint it, whatever. If you don't want to get personal, that's fine. Name something else then.
Here's mine: I would go back to the beginning of high school and do everything all over again. I was so shy. I didn't talk much. I wish I could go back and just re-do it all. Where I am now, I'm just not happy and wish I could go back and re-do it and find my passion in life before high school ended. Then I wouldn't have gone to a college I flunked out of, another college I almost flunked out of, and dead end jobs that aren't getting me anywhere when I see people from my class getting nice jobs, promotions, and even getting married right now.