***GREAT LAKES General Discussion Thread***

rey rey

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I downloaded light room last night.. Small file = big fun..

I was watching a program about Salsa music last night on PBS.. awesome shyte!


Bustin windows outcha car
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Anthony Wilson Trio Road Trip for the blues and jazz stuff Brian just got me going on.
Youtube was unable to prevail, can you link me? Im always down for jazz n blues

My music selection..............Radiohead In-Rainbows, the whole album. I will NEVER get tired of that album.
x2, really really good stuff. That email is priceless, what ru going to buy me?

Rey I assume lightroom isnt free...whered u find a key for it? Im in need of that program!!


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yeah lightroom rocks, takes some getting used to though.

rey rey

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Brain, it came with a key gen, I can send you a link to where i got it if you like.

Shane, It took me fore ever to figure out how to save images..


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Youtube was unable to prevail, can you link me? Im always down for jazz n blues
Nope, sorry I don't know where to find it either. Maybe Amazon music? You should try to find it though. Its such a great song. Strolling jazz lines take you for a walk in the park. Road trip is a very appropriate title.

Anyway, In Rainbows is amazing. The first two tracks are such a good intro. And Weird Fish/Appereggi seriously made me trip balls once.

Duuuuude. Return of the Mack is the s**t.

Hip Hop - Awol One Rythem


Bustin windows outcha car
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"walk in the park" I agree 100% jazz has been one of my favorite types of music for as long as I can remember....I'll continue with the jazz funk :lol:

Not hip hop lol but similar name, Atmosfear - Dancing in Outer Space


Hands down one of the best jazz funk songs Ive ever heard: Donald Byrd - Falling like Dominoes


Im diggin this music day, its very addicting as I assume we all have TONS of music we can share. Being introduced to good/new music is always welcome in my book


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Definitely taking notes. B - you know good music. Donald Byrd knows the funk. That was awesome.

Okay, stepping it up.

Rock instrumental: Ambulance Ltd. Yoga Means Union

Wish I could provide Youtube links, but it takes too long on my phone.

rey rey

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I originally had 3.0 but it upgraded to 3.2.. lol. go figure.. I wasn't complaining.


Bustin windows outcha car
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So Tom's applying for this job,

I hope he gets it but honestly i'll be so damn jealous lol

No way that is frigging awesome!!!!! I hope he gets it, Im jealous. Wonder what a job like that pays...I like contemplating job moves to different industries : )

Kyle right back atcha, thank god for post it notes. Ambulance kicks ass, never heard of em before but Im obsessed with the "post-modern rock" stuff. Its like a super-hyper-genre...if I were floating in space Id be listening to GIAA

Sort of along the same lines as Ambulance LTD:

God is an Astronaut - Forever Lost

