Official Halo Reach Thread


Did sum1 say mud??
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Wouldnt waste my money on that game.

I do have a friend on XBL tho who got it from Gamefly. He played most of the day trying to get into the campaign and said he just couldnt get into it.

To each his own tho. Im not a fan of the Halo series.


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I played it for about 2 hours. I see no difference in Halo 3 and Halo: Reach. Don't flame me for that. :lol:
But that's just me. I'm more into the CoD series.

Each is intitled to their own opinion

EDIT : only thing I do love is forge world! Me and my friends play "cops" on that now.


w00t, sold me 88 hatch :)
Once I played CoD, I couldn't back into Halo. So, it's all about Black Ops for me. Can't wait for that!


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I think its leaps and bounds better then 3. The guns are much more even and balanced how ever some of the maps i find are very poorly designed. Arena is amazing though how complex the ranking system works.

Yes i play cod to but halo has always just takin me to that competitive level that i find more enjoyable.


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I'll play CoD more than Halo all the time, but I do enjoy making houses/buildings on Halo.


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I USED to freakin LOVE Halo, I just cant get into it now. On top of that, none of my friends play its hard for me to really justify getting it.


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h3= garbage, h2 was the best. reach is good, its not h2 tho.

im a beast at halo. not kidding either.


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Halo: Reach? Yeah, I'll be competing at tournys for it across the nation. Pretty cool actually, take a look around that site.


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h3= garbage, h2 was the best. reach is good, its not h2 tho.

im a beast at halo. not kidding either.
If you compare to the quality of gameplay compared to the TIME that it was released, I think that the first Halo was the best. I thought they were ALL good, but after a certain point you are really just playing the same game......and they just werent good enough to replay that much. I played H1-H3 and Halo ODST which I also thought was good. But its still just the same game over and over.......they probably should have stopped with H3 like they said, and waited longer to come out with the next.


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I really meant to go to the midnight release for this (Halo 3 was a great midnight release), but it slipped my mind.. and now it's out. lol. I'll probably pick it up at some point... but I don't know when.


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i may pick it up this weekend. i liked all the halos


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Joe I just noticed.....your eyes match your title :lol:


Live Free or Die
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i bought it and the multiplayer is alright, good to do something different from COD. single player im having trouble getting into.


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Victor - Checking out my eyes? I never knew you cared. :pimp:



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I got mine from walmart, got a 20 dollar gift card back getting it from more or less 40 bucks for it wasnt bad

And honestly I like it so far, just gota wait till I can get live to know how much I really like it though


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I got mine from walmart, got a 20 dollar gift card back getting it from more or less 40 bucks for it wasnt bad

And honestly I like it so far, just gota wait till I can get live to know how much I really like it though
Live is quiet fun. But if your used to CoD like me.. then it sucks. Trying to scope and i throw gernades. (GFA) :lol:
