tight bolt.. help appreciated


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I'm trying to replace a clutch slave cylinder on a civic, but the "bolt" at the end of the line right before the cylinder seems to be really tight, maybe even seized...

what is the proper way to remove this without breaking anything? I've wd40 the part and let it sit, but no luck...




silent partner
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5+ Year Member
Heat the area up with a torch, then try removing it....make sure you have the correct size wrench, so you don't round off the bolt, and slide a breaker bar on the wrench for more leverage....Also, PB blaster is much better than wd-40, for freeing up stubborn bolts....


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5+ Year Member
your suppose to use a line wrench for that but not many people have them... best thing to use is a pair of vice grips.

even if you have a 10mm for that with it being aluminum those head still want to round off. Vice grips work wonders on lines thats what i always use and it has never fail yet..


B20: Detroit Muscle!
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use PB blaster its much more effective then wd40


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5+ Year Member
use a mixture of ATF and acetone.
the torque specs state that using this mixture uses the lease amount of torwue requiring th ebolt to be removed.
use a 50/50 mix
