Crazy Stories!!!

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idk i just like hearing s**t that happens to people when it comes to being stupid and something bad happening lol
it might be a real stupid thread but whatever I'll start
So basically last year winter theres only one fun thing to do with a fwd car right? Well yeah you find somewhere with a windy road and pull the e-brake to see how long you can stay sideways, well we kinda took it too far last year and made a game into it to see who could go the longest so on and so forth until we were at the point when we tried to go into each others tire tracks behind each other like team orange with the sti's lol. Well we arent professionals but got pretty sweet at it if i do say so myself, anyways; there was a good 5-6 different cars there and we werent hurting anything it was just a small area where nobody went, kinda like a park trail but where cars drive. Cop came (of course) and my friend with a wrx being the dickhead he is and thinking he can do anything because he has awd, well we'll get to what he does, anyways the cop was being cool and just talking to us ie. whats vtec? those cars are loud, do you race, whats the fastest you been to blah blah, so jordan (wrx) decided to think it would be funny to haul ass around the corner because you know awd is unstoppable supposebly and can do anything (all this in front of the cop mind you); Well the cop was parked and jordan smashed the f**k out of it, the ass end of the cop and the ass end of jordans 02 wrx were now as one. Naturally we all were laughing at him, he didnt think it was too funny because first off the cop wasnt very happy, second off his car was f**ked, and third off he's STILL having to deal with the s**t that happened to him after, the cop arrested him, mommy had to come pick him up and his mom (to show him a lesson) fixed the car and gave it to his brother lol. Subaru FTW!

winter fun with e brake
friend with wrx is an idiot
cop shows up
cop is cool
friend with wrx hits cop
friend gets arrested
friends mom fixes the wrx and gives it to his brother

I wanna hear some funny s**t so if you have any stories please post!


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Well first of all, "nobody ever goes by there" is NOT an excuse for breaking the law. There is in excuse for breaking the law. Sliding in the snow on purpose is reckless driving. On top of that, your friend is very stupid, and deserved to deal with all the legal problems he is facing and lose the WRX. Vehicles are the most dangerous weapon that is widely available to the public, I wish people would start treating them as such.


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Well first of all, "nobody ever goes by there" is NOT an excuse for breaking the law. There is in excuse for breaking the law. Sliding in the snow on purpose is reckless driving. On top of that, your friend is very stupid, and deserved to deal with all the legal problems he is facing and lose the WRX. Vehicles are the most dangerous weapon that is widely available to the public, I wish people would start treating them as such.
do you have a f**king buddha complex you speak like a b***h fat pussy. I wasnt excusing myself because i dont give a f**k ill slide in the snow all goddamn day if i feel like it just like every other person, its fun and if you dont do it because its "reckless driving" lol your a big puss, its fun maybe you should try it and get your pannies out of a bunch.


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If you cant handle someone telling you that what you are doing is in blatant disregard for the law, then don't post your stories on the internet.


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If you cant handle someone telling you that what you are doing is in blatant disregard for the law, then don't post your stories on the internet.
thats fine but what is this website supposed to be? people bragging about thier cars and then not doing anything with them? Sooo you put all this money into something to drive it like a normal car.. Yeah ok


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pics or it didn't happen..


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OC put all that money into his Civic, ask him if he drove it recklessly on a public roadway. Ask him if he fishtails in his Mustang.

I used to drive recklessly, just about ALL of us have. But if you cant take the heat, then dont post it on the internet. Simple as that.


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OC put all that money into his Civic, ask him if he drove it recklessly on a public roadway. Ask him if he fishtails in his Mustang.

I used to drive recklessly, just about ALL of us have. But if you cant take the heat, then dont post it on the internet. Simple as that.
This is retarded. f**k this place, im tired of getting infractions because i "insulted you". :cry: f**kin wah wah wah, ban me, dont care; I'm tired of dealing with you anyways, your a d**k and then try to act high and mighty when, in all reality.. You and me still have a CIVIC!


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Its clearly stated in the rules that insulting people is not allowed on this site. If you cant follow that simple rule, then you should not have joined in the first place. I apologize that you arent happy, but thats not my fault. You have received ONE infraction in your time here, I dont know why you say youre tired of getting multiple infractions. Having a Civic has absolutely nothing to do with it, I remained on the site for a period where I owned a Camaro....because I like the site. You will not be banned for this, we have regulations for when we ban somebody....not just because we feel like it.


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Its clearly stated in the rules that insulting people is not allowed on this site. If you cant follow that simple rule, then you should not have joined in the first place. I apologize that you arent happy, but thats not my fault. You have received ONE infraction in your time here, I dont know why you say youre tired of getting multiple infractions. Having a Civic has absolutely nothing to do with it, I remained on the site for a period where I owned a Camaro....because I like the site. You will not be banned for this, we have regulations for when we ban somebody....not just because we feel like it.
Thats why your a dueschabg now i get it.. you had a camaro. and actually i have had two infraction, i had one warning from some other mod who agreed you are a d**k and gave me a warning so you couldnt ban man. Dont care im over it, heres my advice, quit being a d**k and people wont have to call you out, sorry im not a pussy and will call you out if your being a power hungry tool


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want to stay? stop being a d-bag
want to go? keep being one and I will help you find your way out...
i'm not being a d bag to anybody who isnt one first. so sorry i dont lay down and perk my ass up cuz the dude is a moderator


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person makes thread that is against the rules of the site..
moderator does what he is supposed to do...
you make an entire thread to b***h and moan about it, AND on top of that you throw insults left and right..

you are more than welcome to stay.. unless of course you want to keep being annoying..
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