sparks out of exhaust


New Member
hey, i was driving my completly stock 91 civic hatchback dx, and i was hitting seventy in third gear passing a friend, and it was driving absolutly fine, but when we stopped he said that sparks or flames looked like they were shooting out my exhaust. i'm not running nos or high octane fuel or anything like that. is that a big problem or was it just unburnt fuel? any light on the subject would be greatly appreciated! thanks

Signature Sound

New Member
do you have a catalytic converter on it? could be some of that s**t flying out???

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Did you notice the engine running weird? Idling rough?


Haters make me FAMOUS!
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an exhaust leak could cause this too. inspect your piping.


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an exhaust leak could cause this too. inspect your piping.

Good job at just trying to butt in and make a useless post!

How the hell could an exhaust leak cause sparks out the tail pipe?


New Member
hey, i was driving my completly stock 91 civic hatchback dx, and i was hitting seventy in third gear passing a friend, and it was driving absolutly fine, but when we stopped he said that sparks or flames looked like they were shooting out my exhaust. i'm not running nos or high octane fuel or anything like that. is that a big problem or was it just unburnt fuel? any light on the subject would be greatly appreciated! thanks
2 step? lol:???:
