What would you do???


Would kind, what size and offset of rims would you put on a 95 honda civic Ex??? What kind of rims do you think would look the the best???? Post here on this tread, to not only let me but everyone on else know what would look nice...


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Would kind, what size and offset of rims would you put on a 95 honda civic Ex??? What kind of rims do you think would look the the best???? Post here on this tread, to not only let me but everyone on else know what would look nice...
for me i think oem LS meshys or GSR blads or fat5s look good on an EJ1 i had some LS meshys on mine at one time


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16"' 0 offset


Well I was thinking off some 16" xxr 522. But not to sure what offset I should go with cuz I don't like 0 offset on those. They stick out to much I was thinking around +25?
