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My 51 year old professor can max at 225......oh yea, my professor is a woman too.


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My 51 year old professor can max at 225......oh yea, my professor is a woman too.
ok? so what can you do, post your bodyweight and stats then f**khead, id like to see you bench double your body weight, high numbers mean nothing if your weight more than makes up for the difference =)


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I did not in any way, shape, or form insult you with my post. So there is NO reason to insult me. Im not a body builder, so what I can bench is irrelevant.


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wow this is funny; People say i cant do it, posted proof. Now people are saying blah blah nobody cares, lol thats a joke about strength has no influence on fightingblahblahblahblahblahblah im getting pretty tired of having to prove myself to people who think that lifting is a waste and training is a waste.
Did I even mention that I trained in goju-ryu for 9 years and have a first degree black belt and I'm only 5'5" at 155 pounds (with almost zero weight lifting, but a larger upper body due to genetics, and a lot of body conditioning) and I've sparred with my 8th degree black belt Sensei at 6'2" and 230 pounds who weight-lifts all the time, countless times. I didn't come out on top every time but I was able to hold out for a long time each time.

My point is; Weight lifting is pointless until you know how to fully utilize it or just doing it for yourself because you fully enjoy working out. You just had to prove to people that you can lift OVER 9000!! times your weight, which is completely irrelevant to your original post. You fail and take your fail with you out of this thread.



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Did I even mention that I trained in goju-ryu for 9 years and have a first degree black belt and I'm only 5'5" at 155 pounds (with almost zero weight lifting, but a larger upper body due to genetics, and a lot of body conditioning) and I've sparred with my 8th degree black belt Sensei at 6'2" and 230 pounds who weight-lifts all the time, countless times. I didn't come out on top every time but I was able to hold out for a long time each time.

My point is; Weight lifting is pointless until you know how to fully utilize it or just doing it for yourself because you fully enjoy working out. You just had to prove to people that you can lift OVER 9000!! times your weight, which is completely irrelevant to your original post. You fail and take your fail with you out of this thread.

yah man , i snapped a pic of you in action kicking a guy in the face, good form man.



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Did I even mention that I trained in goju-ryu for 9 years and have a first degree black belt and I'm only 5'5" at 155 pounds (with almost zero weight lifting, but a larger upper body due to genetics, and a lot of body conditioning) and I've sparred with my 8th degree black belt Sensei at 6'2" and 230 pounds who weight-lifts all the time, countless times. I didn't come out on top every time but I was able to hold out for a long time each time.

My point is; Weight lifting is pointless until you know how to fully utilize it or just doing it for yourself because you fully enjoy working out. You just had to prove to people that you can lift OVER 9000!! times your weight, which is completely irrelevant to your original post. You fail and take your fail with you out of this thread.

well then there you go, you'd f**k me up, if what your saying is true. genetically im skinny as f**k (and pretty much still am) and my dad was. I understand your point, but i have trained for a few years now i started out in ninjitsu and moved to jiujitsu. I pretty much know what im doing for any above average or average wanna-be ufc fighter.


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MMA seems like it is not only a great for of exercise/stress reliever, but I think it would be a great thing to practice in case you ever need to utilize it. I would definitely love to start taking classes someday when the funds/time are available.


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MMA seems like it is not only a great for of exercise/stress reliever, but I think it would be a great thing to practice in case you ever need to utilize it. I would definitely love to start taking classes someday when the funds/time are available.
MMA is f**king stupid for self defense..MMA is a sport.. and MMA training teaches you how to excel at that sport.. how to operate within the rules.. we have a "knife/stick/empty hands combat class" every so often that is not terribly expensive.. you should check it out next time we have it.. that is stuff you can utilize to save your ass.. MMA is great if you ever happen to accidentally find yourself in a sanctioned fight with rules.. lol


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I think that MMA would help you a hell of a lot more than no knowledge at all. But.....can you PM me some information on those classes such as time, location, and price?


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I think that MMA would help you a hell of a lot more than no knowledge at all. But.....can you PM me some information on those classes such as time, location, and price?
sure next time we have it.. it is unfortunate.. my instructors name is Cardo Urso (google it for info Marine Crop Martial Arts Program) and he has a ton of knowledge on real combat.. but unfortunately MMA pays the bills at the moment so the real combat classes are few and far between.. but next time it happens I will definitely let you know.. first class is on us.. no contracts or commitment.. just check it out if we have it again.. :cool:


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my mma has helped me a ton, I've only had to use them twice in my whole life because i HAD to. Once when i was 17 some guy my brothers soccer game got in my mom's face and pushed her, lets just say he had a pretty expensive hospital stay. And another time at a football game with a school that our school hated. i dont go around looking to fight and i know there are people out there who can no doubt whoop my ass. But i am fully confident in my ability that if somebody on the street were to try to hurt my kids or my family i could defend them with no problems whatsoever. OC what your saying is true and mma is not for self defense, but it is better than nothing and I'm 100% sure that it will help me again one of these days. I took it because i wanted to be sweet and think i was big and bag ufc fighter. Thats not what it turned out to be for me


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my mma has helped me a ton, I've only had to use them twice in my whole life because i HAD to. Once when i was 17 some guy my brothers soccer game got in my mom's face and pushed her, lets just say he had a pretty expensive hospital stay. And another time at a football game with a school that our school hated. i dont go around looking to fight and i know there are people out there who can no doubt whoop my ass. But i am fully confident in my ability that if somebody on the street were to try to hurt my kids or my family i could defend them with no problems whatsoever. OC what your saying is true and mma is not for self defense, but it is better than nothing and I'm 100% sure that it will help me again one of these days. I took it because i wanted to be sweet and think i was big and bag ufc fighter. Thats not what it turned out to be for me
MMA teaches you to fight for points... or a win.. and to operate within the rules.. all that s**t will likely work fine for someone you get in a scuffle with.. but combatives teaches you to survive.. groin strikes.. eye gouging.. this is practical in a situation where you are fighting for your life.. life and death fighting is not the type of fighting you would encounter engaging some hot headed parent on the soccer field.. life and death fighting is what occurs on some back alley when a thug tries to rob you..or in your home when some cracked out meth head tries to break in to steal your s**t.. find some street person high as hell on some hard street drug.. and go for a double leg and see how far that gets you.. there is no doubt that knowing how to punch.. knowing how to control someone.. WILL help more than nothing.. but the two disciplines are worlds apart.. it is similar to hunting.. yes a hunter knows how to shoot a gun.. but give that same hunter a semi automatic rifle and drop him in down town Iraq... yes his gun handling will help.. but his lack of tactical knowledge will be his downfall.. two different animals completely..


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since i weigh 130? go back and read the posts.. im in bodybuilding and powerlifting comps because ive been lifting ever since i was young with my dad and i bench almost double my body weight, i went for 260 but that wasnt happening. hopefully nexy week
not to bring up old news with ur apology and all, and im not trying to start s**t up again, but i wrestled 133lbs in college and i pushed 315 on bench during season. i never pushed over 325 during the offseason, but still. double ur body weight should actually be easier the smaller u are lol.


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not to bring up old news with ur apology and all, and im not trying to start s**t up again, but i wrestled 133lbs in college and i pushed 315 on bench during season. i never pushed over 325 during the offseason, but still. double ur body weight should actually be easier the smaller u are lol.
100% agreed. But still im pretty damn f**kin strong on what i lift, and everybody who sees me lift is amazed at what i do (and im not bragging, im sure you were the same way if its true) I have total respect for wrestlers, Hardest f**kin sport in the goddamn world i swear, Freshman year hs i wrestled 103 and thats when i was the srtongest i was in my life i did 200-210 on a good day and i got my ass whipped, the first year i ever wrestled i went uhmm 20-14 i think? granted half my losses were from me getting disqualified because i just threw people. Wrestling is f**ked the stuff they make you do. I quit after the first year because it was so draining and it messed me up real bad having to lose the weight i had to and not to mention i was losing muscle mass from it.


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and actually im not sure if i agree on the double your body weight now that i think about it, theres plenty of fat asses who weigh lets say 250 short and stocky built like a mesomorph and put up 5-600 on bench
