Ok so basically I've always hated Obama. Not because he's black; though i cant lie, it pisses me off that 97% of black people voted for him. Can anybody explain this? i disagree with the fact they believe in what he's saying. I believe it just strengthens my argument that black people are the true racists in this country. I'm not racist, none whatsoever. I do believe that some African Americans voted for him because of what he stood for.. SOME. Not 97%. I don't think its right that somebody should be voted/not voted for because of their race. To point this out, the statistics were 44-45% of white people voted for obama while the existing 55-56% voted McCain. I believe that we voted in line with the way we felt about political views. Given some white people voted for McCain because they are racist, probably 5-10%. But 97%? Come on. The day Obama was elected the next day at school black kids were running through the hall with their damn yard signs and yelling we have power blah blah. I don't think that white people should still be apologizes for slavery, that was a long time ago. I dont understand why we have Affirmative Action and NAACP ect. Black people have just the same amount of brain capacity as us i dont understand why they get the easy life and get everything handed to them. Same thing with equal opportunity employment. I feel that these programs are the reason racism still exists because it just points out daily that we are different. Allowing young black kids to act the way they do, its not right.
All of these points prove me to believe whole heartedly that it isnt the white people who are the general racists anymore, It's mostly the black people. I figure i would get in all my free speech while i still have it considering Obama is turning this country socialist. Spread the wealth FTW!.. not.
Please post if you agree/disagree i need to know if im the only one who feels this way.
All of these points prove me to believe whole heartedly that it isnt the white people who are the general racists anymore, It's mostly the black people. I figure i would get in all my free speech while i still have it considering Obama is turning this country socialist. Spread the wealth FTW!.. not.
Please post if you agree/disagree i need to know if im the only one who feels this way.