2000 Civic Si, Good Price?


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Ok, So I'm selling my car thursday and supposed to be picking this Si up friday morning. It's a blue 2000 Civic Si with 131,000 on the body and unknown on the motor (still b16a2). Has exhaust, cold air, short throw. s**t like that. it doesnt have any check engine lights or anything.
Well i jewed them down to 3,000 cash

The bad:
it has a little rust on the passenger quarter (its not bad)
Burns a quart of oil every 500 or so miles

I'm selling my car for 5,500 and i'm only really buying this to flip it after i fix it. I figure i can do the valve seals and get the piston rings done pretty cheap or maybe even just sell it as it sits for 4000-5000.
Here's pictures its pretty nice.



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yea it sounds like the motor has been throw hell and back. 3000 sounds like a good price to me. sceance your going to put rings in it mit as well rebuild/freshen it up will you got it apart. bearns belts gaskets water pump so forth and so on... good luck on it sir


I had a Civic once.
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make sure that oil problem is nothing serious, and go from there. 3k is a good price. Looks very clean, though as the guy two up from me said, probably was beaten to hell. If that oil issue is nothing major, do a nice tune up and be good to go!
