black ops


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game plays a lot like world at war, the physics sucks balls, its slower paced and i feel like i got ripped...
you're right about that but the game does not suck... It's actually pretty good and I can't wait to play the story mode. I just seen my son and my brother playing the story mode but it looks awesome!... well that's my opinion at least.

what does suck is in the multi-player.... There's stopping power... so it takes a million and a half shots to kill someone... and you have to buy your weapons with money you earn playing multiplayer..



100% real juice
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I'm pickin it up in a couple hours when I get outta class. Gamertags: BlackendAbyss. Hit me up lol


That's my honda.
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sucks... VERY disappointed... though I didn't expect much else considering Treyarch was the developer..


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disappointment...they over hyped it, its like playing world at war, just paying $60 again...MW2 ftw in my opinion


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my ps3 wont play games anymore so this blows :( although from what ive read im not completely missing out :D
if not i wouldve swiped one up


honda fiend
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idk everyone has their own opinion i actually loved waw so i guess i'll like this one. im getting tired of mw2 too many hackers and modders cant tell who is legit anymore but if it does suck ill just return it and buy the mw2 map packs to bring back some excitement.


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Not gunna buy it. Sounds like a ton of people are disapointed.

-1 for treyarch. sticking to MW2


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Campaign is just.....horrible. There are too many of these "active cut scenes" where you just press the button it tells you too, or walk along slowly and listen to dialogue. So much time is just wasted on this s**t.


That's my honda.
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I beat the campaign.. now going back to playing MW2 online... f**k Treyarch I'm done with giving them anymore chances to produce a decent game.


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lol, When I popped the disc in and played the first bit, I got annoyed and quit. Then, I played the multiplayer and got even more annoyed. The only credit I will give them are the levels, they looked fun. Will most likely be returning this tomorrow :lol:


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lol, When I popped the disc in and played the first bit, I got annoyed and quit. Then, I played the multiplayer and got even more annoyed. The only credit I will give them are the levels, they looked fun. Will most likely be returning this tomorrow :lol:
Returning it?

On a side note. My local Gamestop did the midnight release. What they normally do is have you pay it off before midnight, mark your receipt with a sticker, then when midnight hits you just walk in with your receipt and they hand you a copy and signed your receipt. Well this time they wrote "cod-360" on the sticker, and DID NOT sign it when people picked the game up, and DID NOT collect the receipts. :smackself:


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im trying to give it time to sink in.....thus far i like mw2 better


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It's not a bad game. I'm not disappointed that I bought it. I wasn't playing MW2 anymore because I needed a change of pace. This game provided that for me. Is it a ground breaking new COD game? Absolutely not. Is it fun? Yes. Does it have some cool new features? Yes.

My only HUGE disappointment.. is that I have not seen a decent long range sniper friendly level. Sniping is my favorite part of COD. No sniping map is a huge letdown to me.

Aside from that, I'm happy I bough the game and my friend and I have been playing this nonstop.


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everyone is just saying it sucks because it has big shoes to fill. Treyarch isn't and never will be infinityward, although activision is about money so they had to atleast try to be. This is the last year for a decent cod game guys, I hope you realize that, as treyarch was taken off the project and infinityward doesn't really exist anymore. Activision will most likely continue the series with another developer.


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yeah, i'm going to give it some time before i diss the game.. eventhough treyarch never fulfills my expectations.


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everyone is just saying it sucks because it has big shoes to fill. Treyarch isn't and never will be infinityward, although activision is about money so they had to atleast try to be. This is the last year for a decent cod game guys, I hope you realize that, as treyarch was taken off the project and infinityward doesn't really exist anymore. Activision will most likely continue the series with another developer.
Eh, maybe. Some fresh ideas might be just what this series needs. A new developer might bring us some unexpected, but pleasant changes.

Granted, they might also f**k the series.... but I doubt it. The foundation is already set for CoD. There are certain inherent qualities that will be in every CoD game. These qualities are enough to make the games decent. The rest is just extras and level creation which can make the game great, or leave it at decent.


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the reason im shitting on them is because they knew they had high expectations, and they didnt fulfill it....but thats just me... and i was also wondering why this thread isnt longer/bigger? i thought itd be 20 pages by now...


captin sleep0
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maybe its because the game is just so pedestrian, i have not really liked much yet, though after some hunting on youtube i found the "classified" guns, they may be the saving grace of the game. melee needs to be fixed, and has anyone else noticed game skipping, not internet lag but the game jumping around in the gun battles? i was watching uploaded content and looks like many of the videos suffer that problem too.
