I need to vent this...


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well thats what happens.. me and my buddy worked at a nursing home, if anybody else has you know how it is, me and him would get done faster than we would when everybody else would be there. I vote for dont get so worked up about it unless your going to say something to him, its just gonna piss you off more and more when you dont confront him about being a lazy piece of s**t.


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I hired this new girl a few weeks back. She called me the other day because she accidentally processed a package for NDA. But the customer wanted 2DA. She had already charged him and all. Not a big deal, I told her to refund him the difference between the two.

She responde, "What you mean da difference?" I really wanted to laugh at her through the phone and tell her she has two weeks left.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I hired this new girl a few weeks back. She called me the other day because she accidentally processed a package for NDA. But the customer wanted 2DA. She had already charged him and all. Not a big deal, I told her to refund him the difference between the two.

She responde, "What you mean da difference?" I really wanted to laugh at her through the phone and tell her she has two weeks left.
I would've. If an employee that has interaction between customers and money doesn't know what "Refund him the difference" means, needs to go.


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Been through the same situation many times. It's all about work ethic and individual values/goals.

Some people can have the shittiest job with next to nothing pay and they still strive to do the best work they can. Others moan about missing their 10 minute break and wants $60k a year to screw on 2 screws. Your boss cock suckers will always be there and continue to be there because they get on their knees and bend backwards to stroke and suck. In the end, you either suck it up (including the big boss) and continue working there, or you move on to something else that better appreciates your work and effort.
