Veteran's Day


Your mom's boyfriend
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I know it's still mighty early in the states, but over across the Pacific there's been plenty of time to crack open a few cold ones to celebrate Veteran's Day. There are many variations to the cost that a veteran pays for this country's freedom: it can be a relatively paltry 4-5 years of one's life, or it can be the highest price that anyone alive can pay. I hope everyone today takes at least a second to remember those great men and women, or if you happen to know or meet one, shake his or her hand, look them in the eye, and thank them for paying their dues.


i'm a mod now
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i salute everyone of you guys doing your job to protect us and be safe out there have a safe trip back home


I had a Civic once.
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I know it's still mighty early in the states, but over across the Pacific there's been plenty of time to crack open a few cold ones to celebrate Veteran's Day. There are many variations to the cost that a veteran pays for this country's freedom: it can be a relatively paltry 4-5 years of one's life, or it can be the highest price that anyone alive can pay. I hope everyone today takes at least a second to remember those great men and women, or if you happen to know or meet one, shake his or her hand, look them in the eye, and thank them for paying their dues.
Very well said. Thank you, to everyone.


Chillin' Canadian Member
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Today is Veteran's Day in Canada, just known as Remembrance Day.

Je me souviens, for both Canadians and Americans.


Live Free or Die
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Yes thank you very much Wolfy and all the veterans. I am in the process of Joining the Air Force, just waiting to find out my job and what day i ship for basic. Upmost respect for all the men and women serving, served and will be serving in the military.


I ♥ NYGraFFit :)
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Thank you to everyone that has, is, or will serve!!! (I know I'm a day late...)

(Ps. I miss my Chris :( He left for basics monday)
